Amin Mohammadi
{K:2644} 7/1/2007
Lovely sascha , Nice one
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 6/17/2007
Thanks John for your outstanding comment. But I took this shot on board of a ship. ;) Nice Sunday. Sascha
John Hatz
{K:156973} 6/16/2007
SUPERB!!! That happen when a soooo simple line being at a street and it watched by a good photographer...excellent the grey tones roundly that makes the yellow line viewed stronger! That photo clearly takes an award for me... excellent Sascha... Best regards!
Geoff Ball
{K:3375} 5/27/2007
LOL, it's non-skid... no wonder I remember the tactile feel...
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 5/26/2007
I took this shot on board of a French Amphibious Unit. It shows an LCAC US. Sascha
Geoff Ball
{K:3375} 5/26/2007
wow, great image, Great use of the fisheye. Love the tactile feel.
Graham Jones
{K:2186} 5/26/2007
Lovely texture and grain in this Sascha. The use of short DOF is excellent. regards, Graham
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 5/23/2007
Thanks for the great comment. Cheers Sascha
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 5/23/2007
Great pic .. I like this .. Good Idea Intresting Cut and Colors I love the B&W Vs colors tones ...!
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 5/22/2007
Hi Nicole, nein ich lag nicht auf den Boden, ich habe lediglich die Kamera runter gehalten und freihaendig fotografiert. Auch hier vielen Dank fuer deine Beurteilung. Schoen das dir meine Aufnahmen gefallen. Gruss Sascha
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 5/22/2007
Great idea Sascha!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 5/22/2007
LOL...tolles Bild Sascha,lagst Du hierfür auf dem Boden!!!Am besten gefällt mir die gelbe Linie!Wirklich tolle Aufnahme! Viele Grüsse,Nicole 7/7
Kasia Koltunska
{K:5825} 5/21/2007
Great prespective. Love the selective coloring and the DOF.
Congrats, Kasia
James Cook
{K:38068} 5/21/2007
Nice one. Really enjoy the texture of the asphalt.
{K:61} 5/21/2007
Fantastic photograph. Only the minimal depth could have made this magical depiction possible.
Tim Bowman
{K:1481} 5/21/2007
Awesome pic.
I'd love to see it without any colour except the yellow. The red of the person in the background is a tiny bit distracting.
Inspirational shot though.
{K:4902} 5/21/2007
Interesting angle and DOF. But the most interesting part of this picture is the centrally placed yellow line. It leads the eyes into the picture.