VarinVaree ...
{K:647} 6/11/2007
Thank you ka Riny. You may not believe that i just started. But this is the truth ka. I still keep my first capture and i post in my website with poem. a lots of people say.... (ommm not a good comment lol) it hurt me a lot and i lose all of my confident. I remember that i took that picture when i went for teacher volunteer at the mountain. So i always remind myself with that picture. Honestly ka Riny. with this picture. so i tried very hard just to prove myself that "I can do" And I will not give them a chance to laughing at me ka.
 my first capture with my real name |
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/11/2007
You never cease to amaze me. Well done indeed my friend…
Yours truly,Riny
VarinVaree ...
{K:647} 6/6/2007
Thank you my friends. :)
VarinVaree ...
{K:647} 6/6/2007
She is very sweet really ka Nicole. How are you ka.? Have a wonderful day ka.;)
VarinVaree ...
{K:647} 6/6/2007
Thanks you my friend. Have a nice day. ;)
VarinVaree ...
{K:647} 6/6/2007
Thanks you my friends. Have a nice day. ;)
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 6/6/2007
Hi Varin,
She is so sweet..........7++++++++++++++++
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 6/6/2007
Ohhh...what a cutie!!!!Great face expression dear Varin!Lovely portrait!! Big hugs,Nicole 7/7
Judith Adams
{K:1953} 6/6/2007
Great capture, well done. Judith
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 6/6/2007
Lovely expression, cool portrait!
Regards, Ciprian