City - Lake Louise State - ALBERTA Country - Canada
This was a prize moment for us when (along with a lot of other people near this car park near Lake Louise) we saw this Grizzly with 2 cubs. Unfortunately the photos with the cubs weren't properly focussed as the AF on the Olympus was set on a bush in front of the bears (I'll attach a copy of that in the comments).
However, we were really lucky to see the Grizzly and this was the best of the shots that I managed. The 18x optical magnification on the SP550UZ was really useful on this occasion.
An encounter with a grizzly is not something one forgets quickly.
I remember when I was five and we had been camping in a campground near Jasper when early the next morning we went for a walk (6am or so because it's light out so very early) and the park range had a grizzly bear in a live trap and was transfering it to his truck. I remember my dad was enlisted into assisting with the transfer.
My dad had a few big chunks of bacon he use to lure the grizzly into the cage in the truck.
WOW...what a great shot! I know this feeling when you have seen a grizzly in nature.So beautiful!!I saw some in Alaska!!This is a big one too...and so cute with the cubs! Very well done,Nicole
What a great chance to get a shot like this, Neil! You made good use of that long zoom, too! The one with the cubs is good, if a little soft, but certainly a great one to keep. Dave.