biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 8/16/2007
Hvala ti draga Maja,
Da to ja zaista divna vest koja je obradovala mnoge na UF-u....mene posebno:)))
Puno pozdrava i poljubac za malu crnu njuskicu:))
{K:17951} 8/16/2007
Draga Biljana, upravo sam se vratila s godinjeg odmora i vjeruj mi lijepa vijest o Srni mi je uljepala dan..
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 8/6/2007
Thank you dear Doyle:) biljana
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/6/2007
Dramatic image . . .Please give my best and a ;) to my Dearest Srna!!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
{K:61359} 7/30/2007
I'm back from a travel to Verona for my job.. please tell me Biljana.. How is she??
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/30/2007
Thank you from the bottom of my heart my dear friend
Mohamed Badawy
{K:11828} 7/29/2007
from my hurts heart I wish my god to help srna .
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/28/2007
:)))))))) Love you too my dear girl
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/28/2007
I almost lost my faith,but thanks to friends on UF I don't give up!!It's most important that she is stable now ,and just need the time(but lot of time) hugs my frind and thank you
Elle Elle
{K:10958} 7/27/2007
sure God hears us my dear Biljana, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy, may God help her go back home very soon, love love love, mahassa
Bhabesh Chakrabarti
{K:11394} 7/27/2007
Thank god! I have full faith in her, and hope to see her back in UF with her ever charming connents and energy.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
Thank you Paolo :)) Glad you like it and glad I made to transmite the message from my heart:)))
un grande abbraccio
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
Draga Maja, Hvala ti na podrsci.....i da znas da je sve ovo imalo efekta....Srna se probudila iz kome..... Desilo se cudo:):):):)i ja sam presrecna
pozdrav i hvala ti jos jednom
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
Lose i dobre vesti....Srna je zaglavila...bila je u komi ,ali je moja fajterka uspela da se probudi...za sada je to sve sto znam,i znam da je i dalje ceka teska borba,ali je vazno da se probudila
Hvala na komentaru i vidimo se
pozdrav biljana
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
Ukratko : Srna je dobila upalu bubrega,od toga ,pitaj boga kako,sepsu....zbog toga pala u komu ....i posle tri dana uspela da se probudi...jos uvek joj predstoji teska borba ,ali joj je srce stabilno.....
Hvala ti na komentaru(odavno te nije bilo,a nedostajao si:))
puno pozdrava i nadam se cescem susretu
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 7/27/2007
What's happen!?!?! I have no any idea about that with Srna...
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 7/27/2007
Great work Biljo... Congrats!
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
My dearest Mahassa, God hear our preyers.....She is out of coma!! She get new chance!!!!!
Join me in my happiness:))))
Big hug my dear friend biljana
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
miracles hapends my dear friend!!! I'm happiest woomen in he world:)My best friend did made it......I will no loose her ,and my heart is so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
hug b
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 7/27/2007
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah baha
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
It's ok!!! I'm too happy too!!!!!!!
I'm glad I have finally some good ,Wonderful news!! :))):)) and I'm glad that Srna made our day(to all of us:)))
big,big hug my friend
Sandip Aine
{K:5008} 7/27/2007
YES !!!!! YES !! You made my day. Can't thank you enough.
She'll be back.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/27/2007
WONDERFUL NEWS:):):):):):):)
Sandip Aine
{K:5008} 7/27/2007
What's the current situation? Any more news ? Sorry, if i'm disturbing you, but pl let us know.
Iman Fouad
{K:12295} 7/27/2007
OHHH Biljana..it hurts my heart..she was so strong and friendly with warm feeling before going to hospital .we will still pray and hope the best to her,we are all visitors in this world,hope there is more time for her.dont know what to say:(((( ( will be without net two weeks but with you with all my mind) Take care my friend,Hugss Iman
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/26/2007
wow what great expreiment and so deepmessage inside well done my artist ;)
Elle Elle
{K:10958} 7/26/2007
Oh my God, what did you say? no words, no words, I wish we could do something, when I saw the thumbnail of your strange work, I knew something had happened, and when I opened it, Oh my God, that's just impossible Biljana, MAY GOD HELP HER, MAY GOD HELP HER, MAY GOD HELP HER, . . . . .
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/26/2007
Biljana, I know it doesn't sound very good right now. But there is still hope. And if she passes, know that she is on a better plane. There is little I can say to comfort. My thoughts are concentrated with her.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/26/2007
Nice dedication, and beautiful image portrayal Biljana- I love your image . There are un-explainable Miracles - Please don't say there is NO chance--- there is Always HOPE my dear, always .....
Warm Hugsssss, Michele~
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 7/26/2007
Hi Biljana, I have no words only tears
Take care of yourself my sweet friend.
Bright Blessings to you and our dear Srna.
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 7/26/2007
I,m sad..very sad,without word's only tears.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/26/2007
..che notizia triste Biljana..spero che Dio possa aiutare SRNA..anche se i medici dicono che non c'č possibilitą..bisogna sempre sperare..e pregare.. Un bacio..
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 7/26/2007
So sad to hear that. May God help Srna. Ahmed
Vesna Radakovic
{K:1572} 7/26/2007
Cao, Biljana!!! Bila sam na godisnjem dvadesetak dana, evo sad sam prvi put na use-u. Sta se to desava sa Srnom? Iz tvojih fotografija shvatam da je nesto ozbiljno!!! Puno te pozdravljam, Vesna
{K:9123} 7/26/2007
I am deeply moved dear Biljana. I very much hope that our prayers will be answered soon. Please do not give up hope. Doctors are not God. They can only see a few signs, but not all. Their responses to the patients' families are often based on the statistics, forgetting the fact that each individual may respond differently to treatments. Let us keep up hope!
Very best wishes, Minoo.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/26/2007
it's very bad, I didn't excpect that change on her health... even today, with all the medicine goes to makes miracles and I believe somebody, a doctor can do something, anything to bring the rose back... :.(....
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 7/26/2007
Dear Biljana, never give up hope, please hang in there... Our Dearest Srna... So very, very sad and my heart hurts deeply... it is truly hurting...
Prayers and love to hopefully help mend our friend...
Huge Hugs to you both...
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/26/2007
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( no words... just I smashed my day...X(
{K:17951} 7/26/2007
Dear Biljana.. although I have never see Srna, I feel her eneregy and kidness..She have a great heart and I belive she is a great fighter..I truly believe and I pray that everything will be alright.. my thoughts are today with her..
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/26/2007
God please help her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dearest Srna fight back please, do not give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MArian
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 7/26/2007
I'm so very sad....I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!I can feel your fear in your picture and I want only to say "Srna,Please Don't Give Up"!!!! Tender hug to you,Nicki
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/26/2007
There is no chance (or very minimal) as doctors sais :(((((((
Sandip Aine
{K:5008} 7/26/2007
She's in coma !!!! No ... it just can't happen .... pl let us know abt her condition .. what do the doctors say ...
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 7/26/2007
ohhhh my god, Biljana, I am in tears there is nothing I can say at this moment except that I am devistated by this news