City - Melbourne State - VICTORIA Country - Australia
Sky is High ,BoatMan! Look up! it's so high,higher than our being... look up! it's like a long way from your boat to top... Hey! what do you think ? Isn't it amazing at all ? Isn't it giving you a feeling of fly ? a feeling of being away from this ruining and smashing material and monetary life ? isn't it like how close we tend to fly away from this locked and unnatural machinery life and all of this new generations have gotten stuck there in different ways and aspects...
oh BoatMan,you feel my are sitting lonely on your rowboat,having your beautiful pure world... Look up! BoatMan,it's a bliss to have this high high sky... to feel how high we can fly to,and how far we can release our feelings... it's like a freedom that sucks our soul and can make us feel empty of this nonsense unoriginal new generation life...
you know what BoatMan... I feel to be with you,talk to you and listen to you... You make me feel what i want... you have a very genuine world... it's a a great symbol to me to be floated in a wide wide world of purity and originality...
Look Up BoatMan! can you see it! of course you can,the sky is with us,and encouraging us to open our wings and leave the boat,oars and fly up... yes... it's what we deserve...
The Sky is High,BoatMan! to release and be free... like sky... it's all ours ... let's hug them all,
I'm sure that moment will happen to me,and I can hug my moments as my heart is tending and pushing me forward to...
"God Doesn't Roll the Dice..."
I'm so happy to share my feelings with you all this simple and helpful way...
Take care,Keep your wings open until the time we learn how to fly...
Stay Green&Happy Ardalan...
The poem ,or say,prose-like sort of text titled "The Sky is High! BoatMan!,was created or composed by Ardalan Haddad ^_^ ... it just came to my mind... i woke up at 4 am,all of a sudden, i just hung around ,drinking some orange juice,and suddenly i felt it's time to upload my photo,and share it as i've done it above... it just came to my mind,it's 6:31 AM now,Friday morning,Melbourne...