These acrobatic Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are hillarious to watch as they swing upside-down to reach hard-to-get food. This guy is doing a bit of GROOMING, I believe. They can also be very DESTRUCTIVE as they might descend on a home with timber windows with his mates to have a feed and leave it DESTROYED!! They emit a TALCUM POWDER instead of OIL to repel water...
Excellent capture JD ! I like the title , it suits the image well- haa! I also liked your 'about' and how interesting that these birds emit a Talcom Powder to repel water - Very Pretty bird to be so destructive , I have heard this before how they can destroy a LOT :)) I enjoy viewing this as I do most all of your shots ! 7/7 Cheers Mate !!! Don't work too hard ..... M~