masouleh Masouleh is approximately 60 km southwest of Rasht and 32 km west of Fuman. The village is 1 050 meters above sea level in the Alborz (or Elburz) mountain range, near the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. The village itself has a difference in elevation of 100 meters.
The first village of Masouleh is approximately established around 1006 CE, 6 km Northwest of the current village, and it is called Old-Masouleh (Kohneh Masouleh in Farsi). People moved from Old-Masouleh to the current village because of Pestilence and neighbor attacks.
Masouheh-Rood-Khan is the river passing through the village with a water fall 200m away from the village. So many other springs are found around Masouleh.
Masouleh is also surrounded by forest from valley to mount.
Fog is the predominate weather feature of Masouleh.