{K:70138} 6/4/2008
excellent shot !!
Suvro Datta
{K:4892} 10/8/2007
Kushal, I have travelled quite a bit, including places like Antarctica. But you are in a country where opportunities of people photography is almost endless.
Kushal Gangopadhyay
{K:128} 10/8/2007
Thank you yazeed.
M jalili
{K:69009} 10/7/2007
Amazing detaels and color . 7++++++++
Kushal Gangopadhyay
{K:128} 10/7/2007
Thank you Suvro.I visited your site. Good photos and helpful explanations. You seem to be very lucky for being able to travel so much!
tapas banerjee
{K:1711} 10/6/2007
Fantastic colour composition!
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 10/6/2007
Wonderful portrait...
Ronen Helman
{K:7393} 10/5/2007
very good,its kind of abstract,the colors and composition are marveloues. 7/7
Suvro Datta
{K:4892} 10/5/2007
Awesome image, and a good example that for people-photography it is not absolutely necessary to have the face visible. Also, great use of two complementary colors. Very nicely done. Here is a link that you find interesting: http://suvro.com/photopage/P070323.html
Kushal Gangopadhyay
{K:128} 10/5/2007
Thank you Sheryl.
Sheryl Phillips
{K:2728} 10/5/2007
Wonderful portrait Kushal. The colors are fantastic, and I the details of the veil stitching. Great capture!! ~Sheryl
Kushal Gangopadhyay
{K:128} 10/5/2007
Thank you aLi.
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 10/5/2007
Nice shot Kishal, Good composition.. Well done. regards, aLi