Jim Loy
{K:31373} 11/21/2009
Mine, if ya ever visit America, if you ever come to Illinois (L-ih-noy) I will take ya by the hand and show you some great places in my country. Again, I thank you for going back through my older photos... and I hope you look and see some photos that tell you a lot about America.
derin deniz
{K:3544} 11/21/2009
good silhouette and very nice colours
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/13/2008
fjdiuhjvg98regh (yeah, let's just drive 'em crazy wiff) fireyv98h4rtiugbui54ergnvoidsl
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 8/13/2008
ahh well I coulda said ya $#%&*! farn carn.. but mebbe they would figger it out too sdlkfjdskl kldsfjsdjf zxsdjfdos sojd jkfh udshfuids
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/13/2008
Punter... almost said "iD-E-ot"... but thought admin would delete my reply.
Amy B
{K:619} 10/28/2007
Love it, Love it, Love it!! Gorgeous colors and I love the silhouette!! And yes I am back, in full force!! I got a new camera and got the fever back. It's always nice to hear from my favorite ol' cyber shooter!! hehehe
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/18/2007
nice werk James.. shame about the viewing platform in the road