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A Paradise...
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Image Title:  A Paradise...
Favorites: 2 
 By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Roberto Arcari Farinetti  Roberto Arcari Farinetti {Karma:209486}
Project #63 FRESH! Camera Model canon eos33
Categories Nature
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Landscape
Lake's Moment..
Sea's moment...
Lens 100-400 L IS USM
Uploaded 12/17/2007 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Reala
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1494 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 60 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Cancano Lake's
State - 
Country - Italy   Italy
About Merry Christmas... to everyone, my friend, and happy new Year..

Un Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo a tutti voi amici miei...
Random Pictures By:
Arcari Farinetti

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24 h. - self non-stop

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light in one corner of tranquillity.. (part V)


Laghetto di Arcisate... (little lake of Arcisate)

Smile Of Sister...  (Calling All Girls)

Snow At The Castle...

There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 4/8/2014
As stated, Paradise certainly, well done.:)


Tom Ravisé Tom Ravisé   {K:5082} 8/12/2009
A beautiful landscape. Every plan are superbly defined
great work


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/6/2009
oh.. so beautiful and you are welcome, my dear..
this is a really hard time for the loss of human lives.
the houses are built yet, the loss of loved ones is irreparable ..
thanks from my heart and from that of the Italians a thought .. really beautiful!
thank you very much!


Carrie Winters Carrie Winters   {K:275} 4/6/2009
this is just beautiful Roberto! I want to be there one day. i hope all is fine with you after the news we've heard. i just see you are in italy. prayers are with your country. cwx


Bruce Wertz   {K:2553} 10/31/2008
Beautiful photo Roberto. The lines, lighting and overall composition is excellent. Great job



Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 5/7/2008
___________________@@@___________This Image Is Music To My Eyes!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/11/2008
many many thanks.. again..


M. Š. M. Š.   {K:2697} 4/11/2008
What a landscape! Great sharpness and colors! Simply beautiful photo!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/19/2008
thank you very much maja..
how are you?
hope you are well..


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 2/19/2008
Beautiful nature!
Great shot.


* James * * James *   {K:20200} 2/14/2008
Hi Roby. An excellent photo indeed here. You continue to impress me my friend.

Best wishes ~ James


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 1/26/2008
Stunning shot Roby, my friend! Spero che lei ha avuto delle vacanze piacevoli. Questo č una bell'immagine!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Czeslav Gavinkovski Czeslav Gavinkovski   {K:6800} 1/13/2008
Paradise, but mountains make a terror.Beautiful compo.


Arben Mallaki Arben Mallaki   {K:10761} 1/4/2008
Excellent landscape, light, composition.. great.
Best regards.



Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 1/4/2008
Nice shot


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/3/2008
Ciao Roby! Such a majestic landscape ... and a paradise, indeed; it has everything one needs! Wish you and your loved ones a Wonderful New Year! *hugs*


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 1/2/2008
great landscape Roberto, rich land with lot of different textures and tones of green, plus excellent quality and clarity!
best wishes for happy new year!


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 1/2/2008
What a great capture Roby!!Amazing landscape with great details and colors!Very well composed!I wish you a Happy New Year too!!!


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 1/2/2008
Excellent .


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 1/2/2008
Rob, great alpine scape here. Thanks for your nice comments on my new posting and truly from a deep of my heart please have a wonderful New Year. NJ


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 1/1/2008
ciao magico auguri a te e family

stupenda la pupa ....
un abbraccio salvo


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 12/31/2007
Felice anno nuovo a te e famiglia caro Roberto!!


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 12/31/2007
lovely shot.. wish you a great 2008, my dear friend !!


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 12/31/2007
Your friendship is among all that I am thankful for this past year. Although this may seem generic , it comes from my heart and couldn't be more sincere ! Have A Happy New Year If it didn't bring you joy just leave it behind Let's ring in the new year with good things in mind Let every bad memory that brought heartache and pain And let's turn a new leaf with the smell of new rain Let's forget past mistakes making amends for this year Sending you these greetings to bring you hope and cheer ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ Happy New Year 2008 ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 12/30/2007
Impactante paisaje, con una deliciosa luz que realza la belleza natural!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/29/2007
hello my friend...amazing place and stellar scenic shot!
(i want to be there!)

wishing you n' yours a wonderful New Year!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas....

Thank you for your holiday wishes to me...



Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 12/28/2007
Picture postcard caro Roberto; beautiful composition and a fantastic array of colours. Looks like a beautiful place.

Buon Anno!



Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 12/28/2007
Un virtuale abbraccio a te e famiglia per un Buon Natale ed un Felice 2008.


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 12/28/2007
Beautiful landscape and portrait view of excellent choice to show such different variety froe to background.


soul 21 soul 21   {K:27572} 12/27/2007
auguroni per un felice e sereno 2008


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 12/24/2007
A beautiful mountain scene Roby! Very well balanced compositions and the colour looks really nice on my monitor.

You and your family have a great Christmas and Happy New Year too!



donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 12/24/2007
Tanti Auguri !!!!!


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 12/23/2007
very impressive landscape, great composition, a real nice capture.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 12/23/2007
Extremely fine detailed landscape hier Roberto! The crispy taxtures of the forest of the slopes, and the rocks on higher grounds do really convey the atmosphere of mountains! The sky has also a great coloring with strong enough contours of the clouds. Only the bottom is a bit... unfinisched. Perhaps cloning off the plants/tress at the bottom left could help make it even better? (Or of course some slightly different angle while shooting.)

All the best,



win. ka win. ka   {K:3288} 12/23/2007
beautiful landscape!

merry christmas and a happy new year!

best regards,


Tony Quilty   {K:591} 12/23/2007
Beautiful scenery Roberto. Happy Christmas to you & yours!!


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 12/23/2007
Glad to see you around again ;-) .... beautiful landscape.

Merry Christmas and happy new year



Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 12/22/2007
Beautiful composition, Roberto! Merry Christmas to you!


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 12/21/2007
Ciao Roby, I send you my best and warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!
un buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo :)

Hugs & Kisses & Love,

P.S. miss you :)


Ahmed Al Marzouqi   {K:948} 12/21/2007
very nice shot and composition, well done.
My best regards


reza goudarzi reza goudarzi   {K:7097} 12/20/2007
realy beutiful landscape and paradaise..good shot and thx for sharing...and happy new year to u and family too


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 12/20/2007
Thanks Roby & Merry Christmas tou you & Family too.
Simple Beautiful.
Take care


Andrzej B. Andrzej B.   {K:2244} 12/19/2007
Very nice landscape picture.


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 12/19/2007
Posti che conosco solo di nome..molto bella! Un po' strani i colori..quasi da vecchia foto..
Grazie di cuore per gli auguri Roby!
Buon natale anche a te e alla tua famiglia!
A presto,


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 12/19/2007
Bellissimo paesaggio.
Ricambio di vero cuore gli auguri a nche a te e famiglia Roberto!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174163} 12/19/2007
Splendid landscape, dear Roby!


Martina Riolo Martina Riolo   {K:7048} 12/18/2007
bellissima cartolina natalizia, con la luce perfetta su ogni particolare! posto fantastico! Tantissimi auguri anche a te e famiglia, Roberto e grazie :-)


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 12/18/2007
What a great landscape... magnificently captured... doesn't get much better than this! Merry Christmas to you also!
Into my favs it goes. Well done!

Warm regards,


Debjit Ghosh Debjit Ghosh   {K:3494} 12/18/2007
indeed a paradise Roberto. beautiful shot and intelligent use of telephoto to emphasize the depth :-)


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 12/18/2007
Fantastica luce e profonditŕ di campo.
Auguroni a te e famiglia Roby.



Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 12/17/2007
Un paesaggio magnifico. Complimenti.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 12/17/2007
Qupe hermoso paisaje, y me gusta mucho la presentación.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 12/17/2007
dearest Roby thank you so much for your warm wishes!!!
may you and your beloved family especially your two year old daughter !!! be blessed with love health and happiness!!!
Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo
un abbraccio


Al Ungar   {K:4626} 12/17/2007
Pretty image,

Happy holidays to you and your family..



Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 12/17/2007
Auguroni anche a tutti voi.
Bye Bye


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 12/17/2007
Contraccambio gli auguri, una gran bel paesaggio, dona molta serenita'.


enrico (ventrix)


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 12/17/2007
What a great capture Roby!!Amazing landscape with great details and colors!Very well composed!I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too!!!
Best regards,Nicole


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 12/17/2007
Beautiful scenery expertly captured.
Have a great holiday season.


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 12/17/2007
Merry Christmas to you too, Roby! But your mountains have NO SNOW! (Well, very little - I can spot a bit up there towards the peaks...)

Nevertheless, it's a beautiful image of a stunning landscape.

All the best, my friend,


Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 12/17/2007
Ciao Roberto, che splendido paesaggio che hai postato.




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