Bipin Mistry
{K:807} 1/23/2009
best color catch.... you seems to becoming one of my fav... 7+++++ BM
Kerry Statham
{K:3678} 2/20/2008
An uncommonly beautiful capture of a fairly common bird - Great composition and contrast! Kerry
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 1/10/2008
Great capture Art, Sharpness and details are awesome, and the background is perfect.
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 12/24/2007
Hi Sascha, thanks for your great comments. Yes, I generally use my Tamron 1.4 TC on my 300 F4L IS all the time when shooting birds, as focal length is always not enough. Also, I try to shoot at 5.6, i.e. wide open with the TC. This seems to be the sharpest aperture for that lens. There is a slight loss of detail, but that is unavoidable with any TC on any lens. I can usually sharpen up the picture to make up for the loss in IQ, like I said it is slight. Sometimes too, shooting in RAW allows the picture to come out a bit better than jpeg, but does require more post processing (which I enjoy). Wishing you the very best for this festive season, and good luck with your super work. Art.
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 12/22/2007
Amazing capture. Incredible sharpness and great DOF. An awesome eyecatcher and it is a shame for not getting an award, it would have deserved one. Sascha P.s. just one question is it correct that you have used a converter? I have a 1.4 converter too, but I haven't used it till yet. If these are the results I will definenitley use it more. Merry X-Mas and a happy new year. Sascha
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/19/2007
Very nice portrait, Art! Beautiful detail and a great pose! Dave.
{K:12494} 12/18/2007
wow, this is so beautiful, excellent job.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/18/2007
Wowwww... que retrato encantador!!! Nitidez, colores, luz, texturas... una maravilla! Felicitaciones!
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 12/18/2007
Another beautiful capture Arthur well done 7+++
bill smith
{K:5416} 12/18/2007
Beautiful Art, Outstaning compostion. This would make a nice Christmas card
Rajesh Bhattacharjee
{K:3647} 12/18/2007
beautiful shot. great contrast between red color of the bird and white snow
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/18/2007
Excelente captura, muy bueno el enfoque, excelentes los colores y los detalles. Bravo!
Robert Kilgore
{K:2218} 12/18/2007
Good composition. Outstanding detail for the 1.4x Nice shot.