Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 1/7/2008
Hello dear friend 130130760 It was not the first snow 2007 in 1200 ms height in Austria and just very comfortable. I froze very and had to search for after 10 minutes a warm restaurant and warm up myself especially since a violent cold wind blew and was very smooth the street. One has something similar to snow sometimes in the freezer at the side walls if it was not thawed longer time. It is here harder. Sincerely and thank, Gerhard
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 1/7/2008
Hello dear John It was not the first snow 2007 in 1200 ms height in Austria and just very comfortable. I froze very and had to search for after 10 minutes a warm restaurant and warm up myself especially since a violent cold wind blew and was very smooth the street. One has something similar to snow sometimes in the freezer at the side walls if it was not thawed longer time. It is here harder. Sincerely and thank, Gerhard
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 1/6/2008
Very nice bw with these symmetric lines and graphic contrast. Jan
1301307 60
{K:44058} 1/6/2008
well seen... just like john am also curious how it is to feel it, with this photo, I can almost imagine it... good capture... regards..
John Hatz
{K:156973} 1/6/2008
you lucky... you can see snow hahaha...kidding, just envy that because here we have cold weather but not snow...even not rain... :-( anyway, that is a very nice composition Gerhard, the chairs makes nice symetry into your frame... be well my friend!