Converted to black and white and, dodged and burned in CS3. Please critique this HARD!!! I want to hear it so, go ahead and tell me how I can improve. Thanks
I'm always drawn toward buildings so the thumbnail attracted me. OK now some critique. The lighting is good and the shadows are appealing. But, for me this is oversharpened, but then I don't use digital and have a natural bias against using the sharpening tool, though I understand some digital cameras sometimes sharpen up JPEGs anyway. Best to shoot RAW to keep control over the editing. To get an interesting effect and to emphasise the grain in the wood you might try increasing the contrast a little instead. I also think this image might look better, and keep the historical theme, if it was a little soft. Second, I'd crop out the shed on the left, it's superfluous and not as interesting as the main subject. I might even crop out the tree on the right and get real tight in to concentrate on the shed itself. Just my 2c worth. Regards, Gary