{K:32791} 5/29/2003
a good water shot - I've seen a lot of smooth strong water shots - all about light and curve - what particularly draws me into this one is the color combination of green and blue- one of my favorite combos...
Marco, regarding your questions - soft focus for three reasons
a.) she moved b.) my digital camera is only 640X460 pixels (nothing) c.) I add softness to my photos in PS
so partially beyond my control and partially intentional
Look @
{K:2127} 5/22/2003
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 5/21/2003
Bella! Hai creato un piacevolissimo astratto!!!Buona giornata, Marco
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 5/20/2003
Very interesting!!!
stefano mannucci
{K:4793} 5/20/2003
Bella!! eseguita magistralmente. Ciao stefano
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/20/2003
scusami mma ho dimenticato il 7/7... ri ciao
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/20/2003
ottimo effetto.. è lui... ciao roberto!
Govert Nieuwland
{K:674} 5/20/2003
Well captured! I like it! I see a nice range of colours here. Is it a natural sink/frenzy?