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Happy Valentine!!
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Image Title:  Happy Valentine!!
Favorites: 2 
 By: Jen van Wijn  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Jen van Wijn  Jen van Wijn {Karma:24075}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Olympus C770
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Lens fixed
Uploaded 2/14/2008 Film / Memory Type Olympus XD 256
    ISO / Film Speed 64
Views 627 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Krugersdorp
State -  GAUTENG
Country - South Africa   South Africa
About Lions shot, taken in South Africa, I think its a quite fitting photo for this day:)Lets hug and love each other!!
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Senthil Kumar   {K:1648} 4/16/2008


Lugal  Sar Lugal  Sar   {K:4838} 3/4/2008
very good.. great work..


Luigi Andena   {K:3580} 2/26/2008
interesting moment... well done capture. 7 for comparison and deepening I visit birdforum


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/24/2008
Lets what? Well you should hug yout wife more often then maybe..loll Love is all that counts in life...specially on a Sunday:) xxJen


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 2/24/2008
Yes, lets. I went to give my wife a kiss and she asked me what i wanted :)). Only kidding. Fantastic shot Jen. So clear. Hugs. Keith


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/21/2008
You want a "real" critique? Oh, er...

Actually, I think it's a rather good photograph. A very tight crop but I think that works well. The white fur areas are not burnt out (often a problem in shots like this). Perhaps a surprising DOF for F4.0 - the grass in the middle-background is still quite sharp. Ah, which brings me to my main point: sharpness. Once again this has hints that it may have been oversharpened just a little: slight pixellation on the heads (especially the right head), a watery effect in the background, some edges just a little harsh. I wonder, do you have sharpening done in-camera or do you sharpen during post-processing? Or maybe neither? Images also get sharpened when you upload them to UF, unless you explicitly switch off sharpening each time you upload - essential if you have already sharpened to the extent that you want. Or maybe it's just an effect of the large size of the image on my screen...



Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/20/2008
Sure they are 2 females...I dont think with lions
you will see often the boy and girl cuddling:) Its more about food for the male! Thats a men's thing..loll Also would like your real critique,
trying to learn some as well..xxJen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/20/2008
My dear Blljana, I wish love is in the air:))
I love romance, very romantic soul myself!
Wish I could live in Africa, my heart belongs
there, and what about you? Sleep well and hug, Jen


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/20/2008
A lovely shot, but if I'm not mistaken, is that not two girls? Oh well, as long as they keep their teeth to themselves...



biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/20/2008
Oh my :))))Love is in the air :))))
So beautiful and so very romantic my dear Jen:)
I love it
big hug my friend


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/18/2008
Thanks a lot dear Robbie, feel honered this
being a fav.! You see the females look satisfied,
but they are not! They brought up the victom for
the boss:) Lovely day, xxJen


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 2/18/2008
To my favs.
Lovely image Jen,these two sure putting on a show.
Take care


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 2/17/2008
Yes ,Jen,, they do celebrate Valentine day here, although in recent years it become more commercial expose purpose :)


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/15/2008
Thank you Saeed, I thought it would be a good opportunity for the day, do they celebrate this in your country? Jen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/15/2008
Txs a lot Cathy, it was one of those lucky shots:) Jen


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 2/15/2008
So cool and perfect moment to capture them in this position, a lovely contribution for this occasion.


Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 2/15/2008
Just purrfect! CC


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/15/2008
Thank you for your kind words, hope I will have more good ideas:) Jen


Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli   {K:7118} 2/15/2008
Absolutely an wonderful shot... a splendid idea... bravissimo!!!


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/15/2008
Thanks a lot Ed, might ask you for advice sometimes, if that's ok to you? As you're
for me the real expert! xxJen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/15/2008
Txs dear Gavin! After 30 years of being up and down to Africa you get an eye for beauty, sometimes its frustrating you can't get out of the car..loll
I always get excited when seeing wild animals,
but my companions have less patience mostly, such
a pity! Jen


Edward Ghoti   {K:5514} 2/15/2008
Perfect shot for the day Jen, and a great shot at that.

All the best,


Gavin McCully   {K:120} 2/14/2008
Good natural history shot as usual, definately your forte


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/14/2008
Thanks a lot Marian, I'm happy you like it too,
they look so sweet but in the meantime...waiting for a bite from their male:) We need love indeed! Jen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/14/2008
Thanks dear Riny, you have to sit and wait for
ages to get these shots, specially out there
in the fields! Ik hou wel van Valentine, van mij
mag er wel meer aan gedaan worden, let's love:) xxJen


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/14/2008
very sweeet!!!!!!!!
great shot!!!!! bravo!!!
all we need is love...... :)


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/14/2008
I do love what you done here, dear friend, works really great in colour too,all the very best, holland doen we niet aan valentine dag..LOL RINY




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