Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 10/20/2004
I have to go back through my Mexican photographs. Your portfolio is inspiring.
{K:2994} 7/25/2003
Amazing picture. wonderful toning.
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 7/2/2003
Wow one of my favourites so far, what amazing timing and such a gorgeous locale for it. Well done.
Derek Kennedy
{K:2270} 5/26/2003
As a weather observer, i can really appreciate the power and beauty of the lightning strikes, and the ruins are simply beautiful. Great composition.Carol: Thanks for your comments on my IR shot, I checked and I had it on landscape mode (scene selection), 1/4 second shutter speed, and F 2.83 (All technicals set by camera except the landscape mode that as set by me), then I switched it to greyscale in PS, and some other minor adjustments then sharpened. My camera gives photos, when taken with the IR filter, a kinda greyscale with red(so sorta redscale!?) and needs to be switched to greyscale, then the other minor changes that I did, I just can't think of what those where, as its 2:30 am right now! BTW: I'm a fellow Cdn. :)
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 5/22/2003
Great Photoshop work, but you had to have something good to start out with. Very dramatic, I can imagine the inhabitants performing some kind of ritual to appease Ah Peku -- the Mayan god of thunder. Your image DOES transport the viewer back in time, nice.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 5/21/2003
I never left CanCun, wished now I would have ! Very nice shot , one headed for the wall for sure. jimc
Libero Api
{K:12174} 5/20/2003
Great work, compliments!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/20/2003
superb work.
{K:952} 5/20/2003
Beautiful lightening capture and I love the toning here!!
Jamie Haggett
{K:694} 5/20/2003
Well done!
Scott Ostrom
{K:672} 5/20/2003
This is the most amazing shot! It's just perfect. Not much left to say...just beautiful!
Nino Er
{K:307} 5/20/2003
Beautiful composition. Nice work.
T Glow
{K:14955} 5/20/2003
This is wonderful!! great work! ( about your question, only filter CPL ) . Hugs,T.