Al Ungar
{K:4626} 4/27/2008
Thanks Hoda !!
hoda .m
{K:2523} 4/27/2008
I love this shot Al, the pink and blue in her eyes made it dreamy and amazing... good job man !
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 3/9/2008
Thanks Dan, she does have wonderful eyes
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 3/9/2008
Dreams inside the eyes...and a pure innocence...wonderful. Dan
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 3/2/2008
Davide, I agree complete with your comment.
Davide Bressanello
{K:3103} 3/2/2008
nice eyes, and nice portrait, but in my opinion, you loose something here Al, if you don't read the title, it's difficult to understand that she is a little dancer, if it's a crop, you have also the lower part with the shoes?
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 3/2/2008
Olga, Thanks !!
Olga Giraldo
{K:2926} 3/2/2008
Es un rostro muy angelical y dulce, me encanta la espresion capturada en la foto, felicitaciones Al!
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 3/2/2008
Thanks Dwight, It was taken during her dance class, so yes it was tough not to have someone else in there someplace
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 3/2/2008
Beautiful young lady you've captured here. The post work is great and the detail in the eyes, perfect! The only thing I see that would of made this any better would of been not to have the person standing in the background. But, I know how hard it can be in a crowded room or environment. Regards, Dwight