Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 3/13/2008
Thanks for your comment, I am sure I saw your image "Unusual Vision" before. We had clouds, It still is a Nice image, I like it. I also notice you live in Manitoba. I am suppose to go to Manitoba in November this year to photography Polar Bears. But now I am worried -27C and -41C sound real cold to me.
Cheers Alvin
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 3/13/2008
Thank you for your comment. I am not sure about monster waves because I live in the Chicago area, and I do not see the Ocean very often. I plan to put up two more surfing images. BTW I went and looked at your images and they are all good. I liked that you listing the F stop and exposure, so few do that. You have a good selection of images. Plus, you are a brave man to take pictures of water drops and post them.
Cheers Alvin
{K:5783} 3/13/2008
Very nice job on this one, Alvin. BILL NAGY
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/12/2008
Well done action shot, Alvin! Dave.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 3/12/2008
Great action! Think I prefer this to the previous one - more natural colours, and a simpler composition. Love the tail of spray. (And great to see that Maui is not all huge wave action - dammit, we get chop that big in Tarifa!)