Another one from a building at the cemetery in Milan. Nice architecture but what hit my mind even more was, how much effort had been made for the dead. The place was full of mauseleums of so many families. Some of them the size of a small house. One has to wonder. But it seems that the wish for "eternal presence" didn't change, no matter if we look at ancient Egypt or present world. We don't get comfortable with the idea of the end.
The monument at Sparta doesn't have any kind of huge mauseleums for each and everybody, Ugo. It's much much smaller than the cemetery.
But still also the monument in Sparta is dedicated to the dead. So I wonder if our wish to remember the dead is something universal in the whole history of humanity. I don't know of any civilisation that didn't honired the dead people one or another way. Perhaps it is something independent of society and culture?
Bella questa immagine caro Nick. Posso anche essere d'accordo con te che la morte rende tutti uguali, ricchi e poveri, nobeli e plebei. Il mio cognome deriva da un grado militare dell'antico esercito longobardo, per farti capire la essenza di questo cimitero: E' stato costruito dal 1700 in avanti, quando con la invasione di Napoleone del Egitto, esplose la passione per quella antica terra. So che per te forse è difficile capirlo in quanto il costume sociale degli antichi Greci non era proprio questo, e se non erro nella antica Sparta sulla tomba potevano avere il nome solo gli opliti caduti in battaglia, e le donne morte durante il parto. Un caro abbraccio. Ugo