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Under the Bridge
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Image Title:  Under the Bridge
Favorites: 1 
 By: Julie Salles  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Julie Salles  Julie Salles {Karma:22654}
Project #59 Big and Little Camera Model Nikon D40
Categories Historical
Film Format
Portfolio I love NY
Lens Sigma 17-70mm Macro HSM
Uploaded 4/17/2008 Film / Memory Type SD Extreme III
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 855 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 82 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City -  Bronx
State -  NY
Country - United States   United States
About The Little Red Lighthouse (Jeffrey's Hook)stands proudly beneath the George Washington Bridge on the New York shore. When the light was commissioned in 1921 she served the Hudson River mariners, always keeping a good light until the USCG deactivated it in 1947. The Lighthouse was given landmark status on May 14, 1991. The lighthouse is open to the public only a few times a year, Saturday I got the chance to go up climbing thru a very tiny space but it was worth it :)

Big = GW Bridge
Longest span 3,500 ft (1,100 m)
Total length 4,760 ft (1,450 m)
Width 119 ft (36 m)
Height 604 ft (184 m)
Little = The Little Red Lighthouse
Height 40 feet tall (13 m)
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There are 82 Comments in 1 Pages
Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 5/23/2008
Hi Ciaran,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I am glad you like it.


CIARAN  FOLEY   {K:255} 5/22/2008
hi julie.i really like the way the red light house stands out against the dark background.:)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 5/19/2008
Thank you very much Marta. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


Marta . Marta .   {K:2053} 5/19/2008
WOW Julie, it's superb!
I love the contrast between red and the other colours...and great angle :)



Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 5/15/2008
You must return to see the little red lighthouse Tim. Great to get a WOW from you, I was absolutely impressed by your portfolio so this means a lot. Thank you!


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 5/15/2008
WOW! love this composition! I have walked this bridge to the palisades N.J. and never looked down to see this light...great to read the history.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 5/5/2008
I am glad you like it Ram. Thank you.


Ram Raju Ram Raju   {K:970} 5/4/2008
Beautiful shot and angle. Interesting history too.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/29/2008
You're so kind Roby. Thank you so much.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/29/2008
wooowww julie.. is sos nice and little red-point on under the bridge!
best wsihes


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/25/2008
Thank you so much Catherine.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/25/2008
Thank you for your comment Radim.


Chaterine Harton Chaterine Harton   {K:4065} 4/25/2008


Radim Sobotka   {K:4050} 4/23/2008
Very good composition, just only image fall a little to the right.
Thanks for comment my image!
Cheers, Radim.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 4/23/2008
That is indeed very interesting. Lighting workshop ! .. if you don't mind, how are the hours and fees ? maybe we can talk over phone.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/22/2008
We have had the conversation of me going all over the place to shoot, this is not far from us at all. I am trying Avi, just keep trying to get better little by little. I just enrolled in a lighting workshop as I want to learn more about studio lighting which is such a pain so we shall see how much I will learn from that. Hope you're doing well and thank you for your words of encouragement.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 4/22/2008
I see that you have been really finding out interesting locations and getting into some more 'interesting' discussions ! :) :)

Keep going ! Your enthusiasm will take you a long way !
Cheers !


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/22/2008
Thank you so much Gianfranco.


a. gianfranco baccelli a. gianfranco baccelli   {K:21379} 4/22/2008
Great shot. I like specially the composition.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/21/2008
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment Antonio.


Antonio Torkio Antonio Torkio   {K:5592} 4/21/2008
perfect shot, perfect tones of colours ... congrats


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/21/2008
Thank you so much dear Ilir.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/21/2008
Thank you for stopping by Yazeed.


Ilir Xhemsiti Ilir Xhemsiti   {K:4285} 4/21/2008
Very good shot,great composition and colors,..
regards ILIR


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 4/21/2008
All regards .................


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/21/2008
Yeah I agree with that my dear friend ;) I will fix it before submitting it to them :)
Have you been to that spot? it was actually my 1st time and I got to go on top of the lighthouse, it was really nice. Your comment made me very happy my friend, thank you!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/21/2008
That's so very kind of you to say Jerzy.
Thank you so much.


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 4/21/2008
Spectacular, dear Julie, an image that has some of the greatest sensation of 3 dimensions that I have ever seen, with the GW Bridge that goes on forever, the neutral foreboding sky that sets a tone of danger, and the little red lighthouse, safely tucked underneath the bridge, but literally overwhelmed by its enormity. What a masterpiece of depth, size, and color. You have used every millimeter of the frame for a beautiful, integrated, coherent image. No distractions in the background, no pieces that pull the eye out of the image. And the contrasting colors here are fabulous. The only thing that National Geographic might fuss about is that the horizon is a little tilted. Four big hugs for this one my dear friend. Anson


Jerzy Bartkowski Jerzy Bartkowski   {K:3768} 4/20/2008
Thanks for your comment. Your portfolio is super Julie. Good luck.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
Thank you so much Sam. Loved your two pictures, can't wait to see more of your work.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
Thank you so much dear Biljana. I am glad you like it and you're so right I do appreciate your nephew's (haha)help :)
Big hug,


Sam Dec Sam Dec   {K:1005} 4/20/2008
Marvellous standpoint with a wonderful outlook, an exclusive image indeed!
Regards: Sam D


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 4/20/2008
Hey Julie...
I like your picture with or without straight horizon...I know you have big help from my dear nephew Keith , and I know how much you appreciate it...
Just keep shooting my dear Girl:)
big hug


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
You're too kind to me dear Luc. Thank you so much.
Hope you had a great weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
Thank you so much Yazeed. Appreciate the visit.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
As always, thank you for your kind words and support dear Srna. You certainly keep me motivated.
Big hug and best wishes for a great week ahead.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
Thank you so much dear John.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/20/2008
Thank you so much for your kind comment dear Bobot. I really appreciate it.


Luc Bouwens Luc Bouwens   {K:6460} 4/20/2008
Hi Julie

Maybe the best picture i've seen from your collection.
Great composition, nice colors and tones.
I just added it to my favorites.




M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 4/19/2008
Amazing .................


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 4/19/2008
Lovely shot dear with good composition, your POV and the red lighthouse jumps out of the screen with addition of the people around giving this special mood, dramatic sky and loooonnnnng beautiful bridge ... keep up the good work and keep up growing in your learning ... love your attitude ... we do learn here from each other and it is pointless to argue !
Sure I am you are having great time ... would love to be there on my weekend too ! :)))
Warm hugs,


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 4/19/2008
Very nice point of view, and surely into the soft colors, the powerfull vivid red of the lighthouse looks increadibly well!


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 4/19/2008
A red lighthouse under the bridge, great capture Julie, the color is really very attractive since especially of the dark clouds at the background.. I like the inclusion of the people on the picture, it gives a scale of the size of the lighthouse.
wonderful about and very good composition..
great shot!


H L H L   {K:11377} 4/19/2008
Thank you my friend, Julie, be well have fun …also the argument its about photography, I do appreciate your abilities and work efforts.
I’m not a prejudice!!! I love the people here but it’s very hard to be like anyone else, or act like anyone else, or photograph like anyone else, I don’t know if that make sense:)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/19/2008
Hey Nicki, I got home and she was inside the sink waiting for someone to turn the water on so she could take a bath...isn't that cute? she is adorable.
yes, we are here to learn (some more than others) my dear and I have learned from all of you so much and will learn so much more, I am sure. Thank you so much for your feedback. Have a wonderful weekend as well.


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 4/18/2008
Don't take it to your heart my dear Julie!!!We are all here to learn!!Nobody is perfect... I like your shot!! This bridge looks so very long and I like the vivid red lighthous!!Thank you for your interesting about!!!!
I wish you a cool weekend with a lot of beautiful shots!!!
Big warm hugs,
PS:What is your lovebird doing????:))


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
I am going to download the program tonight Jen and will start using it early next week and you know I will be asking you questions my dear friend. I so appreciate your help and above all your friendship :) thank you so much.
Have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself.
Hugs and kisses.


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 4/18/2008
I am completely confused about all have been written here, Julie I think you did a wonderful job, if all our shots would be perfect we wouldnt be learn and ask:)
You have been brave under all this attacking comments, away from the positive critiques, which you handled really well:))Hoping you can work with the link I gave, we will sort it out next week, right sweety?? I know how hard you work and willing to learn each day!!!!
Be well and please have lots of fun this weekend, you really deserve this...with lots of great shots, big hugss and big kiss, your friend xxJen


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
I am cooler than an ice cube dear Harry and much more than just allright, I am wonderful. It is 79 degress out today, beautiful and sunny. What is better than that? Life is beautiful let's enjoy it!


H L H L   {K:11377} 4/18/2008
Dear,Julie, please don’t drag it ….I know how hard you try I know also it’s hard for you to accept!!!!Now the reason left my first comment
You had drug the other constrictive critic to endless instead getting to point
Straight your image and see what you learn from….but someone else did it!! also
Then you theorize the possibilities impossible taking a shot like this etc, etc,
I’m to tired and that’s the reason said have to low my expectations because there is
No way wording and wording photographer’s works, I have encouraged photographers
Also I’m allow to have my own opinion, so sharpen your skills be creative and you will have my support!!!! Is that insulting? Or unfair? Be cool my friend and don’t jump On wordy occlusions you will be all right!!!!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Thank you so much dear Michele :)
Enjoy your weekend as well.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Too bad I won't be around to join you Kenny. Have fun my friend.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/18/2008
Have so much R&R and lots of fun- I will look forward to your pictures on your return my dear !!
Take Care, and Hugs,


kenny lee   {K:261} 4/18/2008
Im going take my 45 footer yacht here this weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Hi Harry, I am not here claiming to be an expert if you or anyone read my profile you will see that I started taking photography seriously in January, that means I am working completely with manual settings for less than 4 months so for that short amount of time I can say I am proud of what I am doing so far. I know I have so much more to learn and I know I will. Now for you to say "The fact is I didn’t realize your photography limitation and personal creativity. I’m still trying to limit my expectations to(0)"
I find that comment offensive and quite honestly I didn't expect such comment from you, someone that I viewed as a person I could learn very much from. It is one thing to provide constructive criticism like Keith and Sid did and I certainly appreciate their feedback but it is completely different when someone tries to put you down and I feel you did that by saying what you just said to me. I am well aware of my limitations regarding photography, as I said before I am not here claiming to be anything else than what I am -a beginner!
Kind regards,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Thank you so much dear Ugo. I appreciate your comment as always.


H L H L   {K:11377} 4/18/2008
Julie, I’m not dispute you or anyone’s entitled to believe!!!! The fact is I didn’t realize your photography limitation and personal creativity. I’m still trying to limit my expectations to (0) so this way no one will get disappointed from my critics, next time I should check the photographer’s portfolio Is the only pure identity of who they‘re…also that will help avoid all my misconceptions!!!!


Ugo Rimoldi Ugo Rimoldi   {K:6232} 4/18/2008
Stupenda prospettiva cara Julie, ottimi i colori e la luce dello scatto! Brava!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Coming from you this means a lot txules, I am a huge admirer of your work. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.
Enjoy your weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Hi Michele,
I am so glad you like it my dear friend. It was such a windy/cloudy day, I agree with you regarding the clouds, they do add to this image. Your comments always make me smile and they mean a lot to me dear Michele. Please know that.
We are off to the Amish Country in PA this weekend for a little R&R, hopefully I will be able to take some nice pictures of the countryside. Have a wonderful weekend my dearest friend :)


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 4/18/2008
fantastic piece...txules


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/18/2008
Hi Julie ,

Beautiful image here - love the bright Red Lighthouse and the history behind it - the clouds look threatening but give the image atmosphere ... !Another great shot my dear frind !!
Be careful climbing around- lol!!
Hugs, Michele~


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
You're too kind to me dear Arif. Thank you so much honey. Have a wonderful weekend and take some pictures I miss seeing new stuff from you :)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Thank you so much dear Alida, your comments mean a lot to me.
Enjoy your weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Hi Sid, Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I really appreciate it. The sky looks fantastic, the straighting of the horizon helps a lot (I hate doing that on PS) I like the color of the lighthouse on my picture better as I am not a fan of very saturated colors but that's just me. Again, please don't apolize I am here to learn from people like you who are much more experienced than I am. Thank you so much.
Have a great weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Hey Harry, me getting offended by Keith's constructive criticism? NEVER! Keith is a fantatstic photographer and I admire his work very much, learning from him is a huge plus for me.
What I did was try to explain how I felt when I was there afterall I was the one taking the picture. I also don't believe that a non straighten horizon takes away everything in a picture but that's my opinion and I am entiled to one and so is everyone else, including you dear Harry so I appreciate your comment.
Enjoy your weekend.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
Thank you so much dear Stan. Your comment mean a lot to me.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
You're the best!!! thank you for looking at it dear Keith. I really appreciate it. I will try to do it on PS, it is my most dreaded function on PS but I will try, promise :)
Have a great weekend my friend.


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 4/18/2008
this is a delicate shot honey!!
i love the perspective and details within the composition!! the red lighthouse is amazing!!
very good work my dear!! very good indeed!!
big hug and kisses,


Alida Yolanda Alida Yolanda   {K:11523} 4/18/2008
Stupenda questa seascapes cara julie, i colori e contrasti sono bellissimi, la prospettiva ottima! Bravissima!!!!!!! Hugs


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 4/18/2008
Hi Julie,frankly speaking the angle u have choson for the photo is realy a difficult one , u know to manage the tilt and all the elements, I tried to rework on your photo using Capture NX , straightened a bit , darkened a boit ( the sky to add drama) and saturated a bit...I did it without your permission though, I hope it would be pardonable as the intention was honest ..... Sid


H L H L   {K:11377} 4/18/2008
Hi! Julie, I totally agree with, Keith Growden comment, but seem you pull great resistance
Also you wrote

I may have had trouble keeping my horizon completely straight but honestly I don't really think you can keep both straight because of the angle of the bridge.

Which is truly unreal, any way in my opinion try to rework also its important not to get offended because doesn’t help:): now those positive comments for your picture truly undermined the world of photography and that is the reason couldn’t never be able to understand the obvious why!!!!!!!!!


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 4/18/2008
Splendit capture Julie,
Thanks for sharing,


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 4/18/2008
Ok. You win lol. Yours is a lot better. Found where the lighthouse was standing and saw why you did what you did. Think i would have still straightened horizen a bit and if you have photoshop, you could have straightened Lighthouse. Sorry havnt tried that so cant explain how. :))) Have fun and dont get dizzy.:)) Keith


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
It is pretty much underneath. Do me a favor my dear because now I am curious if it my eyes, do a search on google for "the little red lighthouse" and click on images and let me know what you think by the images you see. Thanks :)


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 4/18/2008
You may be right Julie. Hard to tell when looking at a monitor. Not like being there. Also im not sure if the lighthouse is under the bridge or along side it. :)) Awesome bridge. Maybe one day, ill get to have a look in person. :)) Hugs. Keith


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/18/2008
The sensation of vertigo when you look up at the bridge is pretty intense Keith, at least for me, perhpas why I may have had trouble keeping my horizon completely straight but honestly I don't really think you can keep both straight because of the angle of the bridge but it could be my eyes...haha, I was 'born' dizzy...haha. It was actually a warm day despite the heavy winds.
Thank you so much for your feedback as always my dear friend.


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 4/18/2008
Hi Julie. You have great detail and colours here. Looks cold. I can see you had a problem in whether to keep bridge or lighthouse straight. I think maybe if you had moved around to your right more, you could have had it all straight including the horizen. I feel it would have looked better. My opinion only. :)) Keep up your great work. Hugs. Keith


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/17/2008
ah obrigada Marcos.
Nao tenho orkut, cansei..hehe.
Voce usa MSN para chat?


Marcos Junior Marcos Junior   {K:479} 4/17/2008
Julie...suas fotos são lindas!!!
vc tem orkut?
se tiver entre em contato pelo e-mail:



Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 4/17/2008
Thank you so much dear Gustavo. Your comments always mean a lot to me :)


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 4/17/2008
Excelente la compocisión, Julie!, me gusta mucho esta foto.




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