City - Princeton (Named after me I think) State - ILLINOIS. Country - United States
Roj must think I am daft.... I received a personal email from him the other day and he had some nice comments then ended with "Watch Dog sux." And immediately thought he was making a comment off the Usefilm record about the image I posted and titled "Watch Dog." As in a dog that was wrapped to my wrist like a watch, or you watch dog... or the watch dog watch something. Anyway you look at it, kind of a triple pun thingy... So I replied to him that I know he does not like animal/pet shots. And I posted it just to toss something up. I think I said, "I paid for 3 posts a day and dang it! I'm gonna take three posts a day!" or something like that. Then I went back to usefilm to see what actual comment he posted to the Watch Dog pic... and wellllllllllll, I had only thought about posting it. I had not yet posted it... so I started thinking and I do believe the watch dog comment from Roj was about working the midnight/graveyard/over-night shift...... What a crazy tangle of thoughts/replies/and stupidity on my part. So...... anyway.... here is the pic I thought I had posted a week ago.... Now, everyone chime in.... "Watch Dog sux!!!" And repeat after me…. Jimmy is an idiot…..
Ok... well, I won't give her a kiss... maybe a pat on the noggin'... In the Loy family we always try and give our pets a nice, cute... special name. We have had Sir Oliver Pub (An English Terrier), Biggles MacLeash... some kind'a crazy dog, MMaaccaabbee...a Biblical Apocryphal thing, a female cat named Mr Riselton....and this one, the black lab, the newest addition to the Loy pet collection... Her name is officially "Sheeza." And the full name is: Sheeza Bonnie Lass. To which the vet. turned to me and said, "You're just going to call her Bonnie, right?" I said.... "Errr.....sure...." So, for the record, her name is: "Sheeza Bonnie Lass."
Given!!!!! Sat. is Becc's day!!! Only because I don't remember what day it was I stapled my work glove to my hand, I knocked the sink into my lower lip/teeth area, I ruined MM's best cast iron pan, tried to fix the car and spent $900.00 dollars Yank getting the problem corrected...I will say all that happened on , hmmmmmmmm....... Wednesday. So, yes... I will concede Saturday to Becc's stupidity Day... (aall in good fun....)