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forced to work for nazis 1944
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Image Title:  forced to work for nazis 1944
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 By: Wolf Zorrito  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Wolf Zorrito  Wolf Zorrito {Karma:78768}
Project #64 Work Camera Model unknown
Categories Historical
Film Format unknown
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Lens unknown
Uploaded 8/4/2008 Film / Memory Type unknown
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Views 622 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
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Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About During WWII local men were forced to work for the nazis, dig manholes. This photo is still in excellent quality, dating back to 1944. Location, Groningen province , Netherlands. Photo made by "Foto Oenes, Leek, 1944"
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/7/2008
We got this life to think and learn and make big change...
Best wishes and good luck...


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/6/2008
You make me think .... and learn.
Thanks Stan


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/6/2008
Whot is the truth?
Is danger to be right in the matter where the officials are wrong...(vide J.Ch.)
Be well,my friend.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/5/2008
Wipikedia says:

"Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and groups, sparked by anger at the Treaty of Versailles and what was considered to have been a Jewish/Communist conspiracy (known in the vernacular as the Dolchstoßlegende or “Stab-in-the-Back Legend”) to humiliate Germany at the end of the First World War."

What is the truth ?


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/5/2008
Dont know, maybe they serve drinks and food. Smiling can be genuine but often we laugh to release stress feelings as compensation. This was not an Auswitch but a few locals had to dig manholes. Maybe a few soldiers were on guard.


Mustafa Akbilen   {K:1894} 8/5/2008
Great shot dear Wolf. I noticed that there are two ladies in the photo. Were they also part of the workforce??? Can they be the reason why these men are smiling?


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/5/2008
A trivial question. In fact a lot goes back to WW I where a man called Adolf felt humiliated by his defeat ( by the french, british etc ) . He could not bear his feeling and wanted power. A whole country needed power since it felt powerless and in recession. War industry meant work, employment, bread. It was only time to find a common enemy to defeat. And begin the madness.

Who created the nazis and suported them ..?
I dont know who supported them, do I see a parallel with civil war in Spain? , industrialists against civilians ???????

Your answer please !


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/4/2008 did not unswer my question...
I know the history of W.W II very,very well
The Germany attak my country first at all,we lost over 6-milions citizens,75% destruction etc.My uncle was UK pilot,I have family living in Wageningen and England as well...who are the Nazis...who created and supported them???
Only the truth can liberate...


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/4/2008
Basically these are local villagers, from the north of the Netherlands ( look for Groningen on google earth ). The nazi's forced all available persons in a kind of 'Arbeitsensatz' for work they did not do themselves. So the Nazis were drinking their coffee, confiscating horses, or shooting at passing UK bombers on their way to Hamburg. We were not in a battlefield or so.


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/4/2008
Nice documentary capture,Harry.
But...who are nazis???
Whot is the nationality???
Thanks for sharing,


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/4/2008
It was in a relative peaceful area compared to the cities. Posing was a time to relax.


Reinaldo  Seriacopi Reinaldo  Seriacopi   {K:294} 8/4/2008
This an excellent pic. But I guess: why some of them laugh?


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 8/4/2008
Excellent !!!!!!!!!




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