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Image Title:  BROTHERS
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 By: Partha Pal  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Partha Pal  Partha Pal {Karma:11619}
Project #3 The Intimate Portrait Camera Model Canon 30D
Categories People
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio My Bests
Lens 17-40 f/4 L
Uploaded 9/7/2008 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 607 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 16 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - India   India
About I met those two boys at a sea side tea shots. Both left school a year ago and running a teashop.
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There are 16 Comments in 1 Pages
Partha Pal Partha Pal   {K:11619} 9/16/2008
Compositionally your crop is perfect and I know that.
But in my shot I keep it intentionally to create an urge to the viewer to see more ..
And comment regading your rating system is absolutely right and we both face the problem lots of time and I am sure some of my UF friends will also face the same problem.
I also detect some of members.....
This is the misuse of the numbering system.
In case of mine If I get confused regading rating I abstained myslef from giving rating.....


Subhrajit Basu Subhrajit Basu   {K:3102} 9/15/2008
Partha'da...I have cropped this photo a little more. just to avoid that portion under the nose of the right-side boy. let me know your thoughts...


Shots for Comparison

Subhrajit Basu Subhrajit Basu   {K:3102} 9/15/2008
i don't know how this photo can be rated only 5.10 out of 7!!! this is quite quite astonishing, particularly when almost everybody seems to have liked the photo very much!!! only avi said that he didn't like the crop. he is obviously entitled to his opinion and he has given reasons for that too. and as i have seen, avi never rates and he prefers his photos not to be rated too. perfectly cool a. i had given it a 7. so it seems there is some other person here who rates poorly though doesn't have the courage to come out clean as to why he/she rates it so poorly. they say good things yet give poor ratings. this is not how things should be. i think UF should think about this problem. ratings should be made visible to everybody so that the anybody can demand an explanation. ultimately, all of us learning. somebody may have a good point for poor rating. but this will expose these back-stabbing guys. ratings is nothing but since it is there in UF, photographers have a right to know why a poor rating is given. or else, scrap this system altogether.


Subhrajit Basu Subhrajit Basu   {K:3102} 9/14/2008
to me, the beauty of this photo lies in the fact that this photo has an abstract quality in it. by eliminating all the distracting elements from the frame (making it b&w is one of them), what it is reduced to is that apparently on the first look the expression of boy whose eyes are not in focus seems to be much stronger than the boy whose eyes are in focus. yet, somehow eyes of the boy on the right has a very different type of expression which can be felt and not termed, one of the reasons is that only half of his face is visible! now when one sees the photo, the viewer's eye travels from the focussed eye to the blurred expression behind and then again comes back to the focussed eye. this is an unique way to put some element of mystery into the shot, something very refreshing. i have always said you are master of portraits and you prove it again. BRAVO!!! :)


D e b    D e b     {K:9399} 9/9/2008
beautiful clarity and tone....


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 9/9/2008
amar crop-ta ektu abrupt lagchhe


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 9/9/2008
Superb shot....great tonal impact!


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 9/8/2008
Good work .............


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 9/8/2008
Very expressive.


enrico (ventrix)


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 9/7/2008


Atish Sen   {K:6346} 9/7/2008
expressive eyes, nice shot


Aykaan K Aykaan K   {K:13601} 9/7/2008
très beau travail...


Grzegorz Markowski Grzegorz Markowski   {K:6537} 9/7/2008
very good port :)


Alberto Alpozzi   {K:54} 9/7/2008
Fantastic Shot! I love it!
Great bw!


srimanta ray   {K:2710} 9/7/2008
Partha da,
chhobita bhalo laglo, bises B&W bole amar aro bhalo laglo. :)SRI...


Captain Demu  Potleg Captain Demu  Potleg   {K:1594} 9/7/2008
Khub bhalo laglo Partha Da !




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