Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 10/29/2008
An excellent close up! I'm pleased to hear there are still places in the north where the reds can still be seen.
{K:8657} 10/28/2008
no problem danny (your nuts anyway) I am thinking of getting dressed up in a giant squirel suit to get close (what do you think) you seem to have thease shot sewen up
{K:8657} 10/26/2008
Danny this is as good as it gets my freind great close up
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 10/25/2008
What a cutie, you make a superb close-up here !
carl angus
{K:1440} 10/24/2008
stunning danny,amazing detail. if this doesnt win an award ill eat me hat!
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 10/24/2008
Thank you. Although they are in short supply we have quite a lot in Northumberland but they are under threat from the Grey ones. Danny
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 10/24/2008
A most impressive close up shot of this guy. Very nice detail and pose. Happy to see he's red as I understand there are not so many left...
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 10/24/2008
Not seen much better than this Danny A cracker
Chaterine Harton
{K:4065} 10/24/2008
what cute! lovely pov! colors,tones and details are perfect! regards chaterine