Marian Man
{K:80636} 10/31/2008
and again very well done dearest Baha!!!! fine abstract shot!!!!! great for the project!!! warm hugs Marian
Rob Roy
{K:1432} 10/30/2008
Baha, is this the Lost Arch or a Time Machine?? nicely done
Sid Banerjee
{K:3127} 10/30/2008
HI baha another tunneling effect shot...great one
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 10/29/2008
Beautiful abstract so well appropriate for project. Nice effect in post add a touch very pleasant.
Regards, Tommaso
txules .
{K:62768} 10/29/2008
your conceptual work ir really outstanding my dear Baha, this image points and shoots, the rest is a free intrepretation take care txules
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 10/29/2008
perfect again jenab sadri.
Poorya Younesi
{K:2602} 10/29/2008
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 10/29/2008
superb shot Baha,very perfect tells all,title,about and -----s,and please not deleted again;)
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/29/2008
Even don't know where it is..I trust you :)Coming with you...
Excellent composition , perfect with this title
xox biljana
Amin Mohammadi
{K:2644} 10/29/2008
Great One Dear Baha, Excellent ;)