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 By: Jim Loy  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Jim Loy  Jim Loy {Karma:31373}
Project #57 Raw Materials Camera Model Nikon 8800
Categories Children
Film Format digital
Portfolio Lens lens is flooding over with memories
Uploaded 11/4/2008 Film / Memory Type filmed in thinking back vision
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 350 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 7 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Seatonville
Country - United States   United States
About 15 years ago Eli left this under her pillow. Hmm, ok, maybe I need to explain a bit more. I know UF is a world community… and not all countries have similar customs. In America, when a young child looses their baby teeth, their first teeth, each tooth is put under their pillow. At night, while the child is asleep, the Tooth Fairy comes and takes the tooth and in return, leaves a few coins, money. For ages and ages the return rate for a tooth was .50 cents American. 2 teeth would be $1.00 American. I cannot translate into all the currency of my friends, but if you go here, you can get the math:

Now that site will convert the US dollar to just about any foreign currency, but you must remember, when Elizabeth was expecting a dollar for her 2 teeth, well, that was 17 years ago. To be perfectly accurate ya need to go to this site first:

At the above site you would put in “initial year” as 1992. The amount as 1.00 (US) and the “desired year” as 2007. Then take that amount and go back to the first link and convert to your national specie. Wow….

Now for the meat of this post. My daughter Elizabeth (henceforth known as Eli) wrote this note in 1992 when she was 7 years old. Seems she had lost 2 baby teeth and was setting them out for the Tooth Fairy. I found this wee envelope in MM’s jewelry box. And you thought I kept a lot of stuff.
Over the years Eli has grown and absorbed… and taken to the English language rather well. From her humble “Thooth fare” to now… she has made great strides. I post here a pic of Eli’s note to the Tooth Fairy… and a few things she has written the past year.
16 years ago my daughter scribbled this note and went to bed with dreams of spendable coins dancing in her head. Tonight I share this bit of Loy family history with you. And what silly and simple social customs do you have in your country? Oh! Almost forgot. I have also attached a few paragraphs of Eli’s recent writings… She has grown. From here down is all Elizabeth. (her spelling has improved)

About me:
Vinegar runs in my veins like poker in the gambler. I tend to punish my mother for things that I did or at least were partially responsible for in a wicked Romanesque kind of way - don’t touch my cider! I got a bad case of ‘paradise pretentions’ wrestling endlessly with overripe primates lost from their flock. OH! I've said too much, given out too much, felt too much... Nothing can stand in my way to the eternal wisdom of a man with no past and nothing but handcrafted toys in his back pocket.

!!! By Joe
I have decided to come out from behind the shroud of inactivity.
First of all I want to note that while I was in Tuscania, I blew the fuse three times...with an Italian hair dryer.
I realize that the world must admire Italy for their semi-efficient cars and swearing off clothes dryers everywhere while America gets the finger shake for tapping into nuclear secretions to powers fluorescent lights in western Tennessee gas stations.
Or perhaps not.
So while I'm here, power up some electric flashlights, drape yourself in Christmas lights, fire up the Hi-Fi system and polka the night away. Don't let all my conservation go to waste.
Second, I want to express my displeasure at the availability of fruit. it is quite impossible for a girl to find an apple on Sundays.
Today is Tuesday. I bought two and headed east accompanied by contorted faces and long stares. I have also noted that distances were kept awfully far from me for the metropolitan norm.
I've been here four days and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until this morning.
I thought first maybe they were getting a smidge of inferiority as they thought I berated their fruit stands and marmalade and rated all marketing tactics on a sub-par level to my grandiose American tastes and pleasures. Then I thought maybe all their noses turned up was at the essence I was supposedly exuding but that they held themselves a little more proud for gettin' my bad American self all figured out.
I don't know. So I ate an apple and I mulled.
In my immediate possession, what do they all possess that I don't?
!Yes. Within one syllable, my thumb and middle finger placed it exactly. Cigarettes were out of my proximity but close by an Indian man's table of sunglasses & chestnuts was a booming double entrepreneurship.
Driven by convenience I promptly bought a pair and was soon thereafter embraced by the locals earning me two inquisitions about street locations and some malarkey about a subscription to the daily news, or the personal contact information of people who like Bjork, or to take part in rampant materialism, most likely.
I abstained courteously and settled my appetite for fun with my apple

The previous several sentences was all Eli.
And yes... that is the tooth she did NOT lose.
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 11/10/2008
malarky.. crikey I havent heard that in years


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 11/5/2008
Sir,thank you so much for that,
all the best,


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 11/5/2008
See! Throw it at the that is exactly what I was looking for. We, as people, are all the same. Our customs are different but that does not mean they are strange... just different. I would never have thought tossing a tooth at the sun was important... but I will share that with studens the next time I am in a classroom.


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 11/5/2008
Yeah, she of the three has surprised me the most. Mike writes and Nathan thinks... Eli came out of nowhere.


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 11/4/2008
Hi Jim,in my country they told us when we were young to through the tooth to the sun,as strongly as possible,and the sun will replace it with a shiny stronger on,
is Eli with you now,or she is doing some study elsewhere ?
wish all the best for you and her,


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 11/4/2008 she needed shades to be accepted? What rich and observant writing. Ya must be proud.


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 11/4/2008
oh this is really nice, keeping the family memories.

First I learnt about tooth fairy from my 5 years old nephew, he saw it in TV cartoon. I did not know how to answer him since this is not a part of our culture here. It is interesting how new things come to society from TV only!




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