A lush green hill cover half of the island. The other half is fringed with a white sandy beach.
Khai Nok is surrounded by crystal clear emerald green water, perfect for swimming, and if you are lucky - you have the chance to see a group of dolphins swimming near the island.
Since it's used for day trips you will not be alone, but most people stay on the side facing Phuket. Where small tropical fish swim in shallow crystal clear water, waiting to be fed by the tourists. But with so many people on a small area the water can get quite stirred up.
More than 100 beach chairs sit on the snow white beach. There is also a restaurant on the island.
Midway between Khai Nok and nearby tiny Khai Nui island is a shallow water coral reef, excellent for snorkeling - even if the currents can be strong at times.
Lovely composition dear Sunny and so inviting indeed my friend. Hope all is fine with you and my best wishes for this 2009, light and love and much inspiration !!! :-)))) Hugs, Srna