Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 3/11/2009
Autofocus, and it is Venus ;-)
Taras R. Hnatyshyn
{K:4055} 3/7/2009
Were you manually focussing on the object(s) or using autofocus on this and your other "Mars" attempts?
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/7/2009
You are right, it is ......................... venus ....
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/7/2009
White balance is perfect here, with the eye it is a white bright planet. Mars would be red.
Venus it is then.
Could also spend 8000 $ on a complete pc controlled gear and 1500 mm lens but then the fun is gone.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/7/2009
Unless the white balance is way off.... this is Venus. Nice.
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 1/7/2009
o O , .. nice try , try more, ..
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 1/7/2009
wonderful try harRy......... great capture. kujes ur rajkumai.