derin deniz
{K:3544} 11/1/2009
thanks Dan..
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 11/1/2009
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/25/2009
A very mysterious portrait indeed, Mine! I like your crop and composition. Dave.
Rasna 69
{K:8916} 1/21/2009
..molto interessante..una bella inquadratura!ciao!:)
Farhad Ashkani
{K:390} 1/19/2009
It needed some lighting....
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 1/19/2009
The appearance of the eyes from the black surrounding is just amazing. Superb work Saeed
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 1/18/2009
Beautiful and misterious this portrait dear Mine.
The dark eyes of the model are so alluring...
Congrats .
derin deniz
{K:3544} 1/18/2009
Hi Erland, thanks:)
derin deniz
{K:3544} 1/18/2009
thanks Luca, ım happy for your comment
derin deniz
{K:3544} 1/18/2009
Hi Garry good say :) ı enjoy for your comment:) ım happy
derin deniz
{K:3544} 1/18/2009
hi Malules, thanks for your good comment :)
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 1/18/2009
Very good portrait erland
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 1/18/2009
Very remarkable shot full of mean!!!
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 1/18/2009
It's amazing how little we need to see to appreciate a woman's beauty. This is one lovely image. Regards, Gary
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 1/18/2009
Fantastic portrait! my best regards, Malules