Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/24/2009
yeah well we do.. we just dont drive when we do... like every nite when I go to sleep I am well over the legal limit but I am either in bed watchin the telly, in bed on the laptop watchin a movie ( fairly rare occurence) or out in the loungroom in front of the telly and asleep.. we do however get over the limit and drive.. in fact I went out Cassilis with some blokes from work (this was years ago) to pick up a Kero fridge from a friend.. at 8.30am in the morning Sid arived and as we headed off out the driveway he handed me a stubby and proceeded to drink one of his own.. at the wheel.. and didnt stop all day.. I mean he paced himself but hell over the limit.. so the posters and billboards proclaim If you drink and drive you're a bloody idiot and drink driving.. its a crime but yeah knobheads persist in trying to get away with it
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/24/2009
ILL is .08%... and we thought you guys drank a lot!!!!
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/22/2009
Nah!!!! No roll eyes!!!!!! I live to hear tales from around (and under) the world!
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/22/2009
kekeke well in sunny downtown NSW (Jim rolls eyes.. here we go again another blah de blah from Roj) we have tow under the influence offenses DUI which is Driving Under the Influence of everything other than alcohol and PCA which is driving with an above the Prescribed Content of Alcohol in the bloodstream... now I think its .05% oh hell I dunno I just dont drink n drive an as for loco weed.. havent imbibed and driven since godknows http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/downloads/2005_04_drinkdrivingbrochure.pdf will tells ya all ya needs to know
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/22/2009
I guess I need to clarify... DWI is from 30 years ago. The new hip and clever arrest anagram is DUI (Driving Under the Influence)... takes in a much more broad range of mind altering substances... like... beer. No, wait, that would still be DWI... hmmmmmm (racks brains for rural/country-boy equivalent....JIMSON!!!!) Jimson weed!!!!! A ditch weed what stupid people around these parts dry and smoke. Kind'a like other things but Jimson can make ya go blind... even on the first try. Ya know the country folks what are Jimson-izing because they walk into a lot of walls.