absynthius .
{K:20748} 5/7/2009
a composition par la exellance~ my complements for it Ananda; in fact i am always ecstatic about such composition, where the foreground dominates and then just a little hint of the subject on whatever they're doing, and zeng/ boom. nothing to beautify, nothing to falsify, nothing to modify-
hat off, v.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 4/11/2009
Oh, OK niw I understand!
Well, always check the option *no sharpening* when uploading, Ananda! This is not a question about how much you sharpened the image, but about how much would you like UF to sharpen your image automatically before putting it in the site. So, if you already sharpened it the UF will re-sharpen it again, which is always good for troubles.
{K:4486} 4/10/2009
I do not have problem downsizing. Only problem that I sometimes have is when I upload the photo in Usefilm.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 4/4/2009
You must mean conversion to a smaller size/resolution, or do I miss the point, Ananda? Anyway, usually I don't have any problems with downsizing of physical dimensions while of course the resolution can be crucial if going too low.
{K:4486} 3/31/2009
Yes I saw them. They are not in the original file. There is something about the conversion that sometimes causes this.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/24/2009
It is there but quite subtle, Ananda. I marked it up in the attachment. See how the contours exhibit that "jigsaw" bahavior.
Thanks a lot for the info on the making!
Marked up some pixelation regions |
{K:4486} 3/23/2009
Thanks Nick for your honest opinion. You are absolutely right about the top left part. I also did not like that. But could not left that out. Also I could not see any pixelation on the rods. I would check in my home pc again. Because this was a straight conversion without any enhancement I never really looked closely if there was any pixelation. Maybe there is. Thanks for pointing that out.
{K:4486} 3/23/2009
Thanks Malules.
{K:4486} 3/23/2009
Thanks a lot Eniz.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/22/2009
Very simple and very effective in its look, Ananda! The tonal range surely does something here, as it allows some kind of silence to settle in, which in turn matches the simple content of the image. I'd prefer no dark parts at the top left of the image as they seem to intervene too much. I guess there was no possibility to let them off image?
The dark silhouettes of the two guys do good too. There is only some pixelation or contrast enhancement artefacts on their contour lines as also on the fishing rods.
Unsual but interesting composition.
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 3/19/2009
Excellent minimalism....very nice result! Best wishes my friend
John Hatz
{K:156973} 3/14/2009
Excellent image Ananda, very nice element here that the fishermen and the sticks looks like black shapes into the metallic grey of the water, very artistic the way of the image. My best regards!
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 3/13/2009
Excellent! regards, malules
{K:498} 3/13/2009
good shot !
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 3/13/2009
Love it, ..and I love this style of photography , .. Hugs Aziz