Wow, stunning shot here dear Harry. I love the wide angle view here and all the lovely objects and details in this shot created by great DOF. This shot is such a pleasure to view, with all the camera settings so well controlled.
I suggest they will be medically examined bu a duktoor with eyes as sharp as an eagle, with a brain as smart as a fox, and a duktoor that does not makes jokes in front of patientst. I assume the duktoor will prescribe them nigella sativa and the Staff will correct their erratic decisions.
in my simple opinion, this is one of your best ,if not the best of them all, it combines the photography,painting,visionary look at the land,artistic and imaginary mind,and though I prefer the color version,but I will never get bored from looking at it in any form ,for every day in my life, congratulation, for it is being the unique one among landscape shots posted in this site, just wonder how it is being missed by the staff, my regards, Saad.