It looks really crappy as a thumbnail, I know that. I find myself mesmerized by the blue water. The white areas in the water seem like lightning bolts, leading the way for the thundering presence that is to come. (Kinda Greek mythology-like.) Think out-of-focus along those lines, too. The blur and splash at the top, almost a whirlwind of power. I know the whale is blown out on top. I didn't know if I had enough pixels to clone it in more. Bottom line, I could see the whale's blowhole on top, so I went with it. Maybe I'm rationalizing too much... lol... but I liked the feel of power (power isn't always clear and concise to me)... the power of the whale blasting out of the otherwise tranquil blue sea (or aquarium, in this case). And I labeled it an "abstract."
This is out of focus, and over exposed. Surely, you're aware of this. So, I'm thinking you must see something in this, that I don't get. Please explain. (And no, I'm not having a go at you, I already know you're talanted, I just want to understand why you uploaded this particular image...)