Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/23/2003
Another very good shot here Yutaka. I like looking at all the railway ties. Nice detail where it has to be and nice composition!
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 6/16/2003
Good morning, another beautiful image, perfect perspective, a great sense to the image of endless. Regards
Dez Karpati
{K:2237} 6/16/2003
Nice use of lines, great work
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 6/7/2003
great !
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 6/7/2003
nice photograph like the tracks coming in from the right
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 6/7/2003
Superb composition! What a great find! Good eye!
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 6/7/2003
Excellent compocition, excellent perspective. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Marc Schneider
{K:666} 6/7/2003
Very nice use of line and perspective. The rails really draw your eye, and the switch detail is wonderful.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 6/7/2003
Quite amazing. I usually tell people that a subject is required in images of tracks, but this one needs nothing else. It stands just as it is!
Alex Uchōa
{K:18547} 6/7/2003
great use of lines and curves, Yutaka.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 6/7/2003
Nice work!! Better crop the top green part.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 6/7/2003
nice image
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/7/2003
straight perspective but a hidden meaning suggests the dead end track :) very lasting!
Luca Zanmatti
{K:1120} 6/7/2003
Very nice final result. Ciao Yutaka, appreciated comments to my jobs. Thanks