Peter Burda
{K:4807} 6/12/2003
Lyrica !!!! simple and clear
Manuel Ventura
{K:746} 6/10/2003
Haytham Nawar
{K:1180} 6/10/2003
wonderful work really light...
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 6/10/2003
you are the master of subtle...
Franck Dormoy
{K:997} 6/8/2003
why crop ?
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 6/7/2003
Nice subtle lines. Beautiful color/texture. Clever eye!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/7/2003
mary, my eyes are clicking sometimes sometimes gazing stupidly on a naked wall
rhonda, so sorry, no philosopher just a guy with a camera : if I would be able to teach lessons on photography one of my first would be: watching the shadows wander on a wall for a whole day maybe we could see more and better than with our mind :)
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 6/7/2003
You made my day with this photo. I think On the Wall would be a good title as well. Your photographs have me watching shadow patterns on the wall a lot now. Friends think I'm just sitting around staring at the walls, I tell them I am and liking it! Thanks for the inspiration. Lovely! I really appreciate all your words not just on my photos but others as well. It's nice to have a philosopher in our midst.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 6/7/2003
Simply elegant
{K:32791} 6/7/2003
You sure rake in your share of
"Good shots," "very creative...," "good eye"
as if your eye clicked and took the photo...
I see now why people paint weird two tone shaded patterns on the walls of business buildings - they want us to feel as if the light were real...doesn't work...
this does...
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 6/7/2003
Evidence of existence!!!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 6/7/2003
nice image shot~~
julio vagrant
{K:694} 6/7/2003
another, good eyes
Luca Zanmatti
{K:1120} 6/7/2003
Good sense of artistic immage. I like the creative fantasy. Ciao Fabio, appreciated comments to my jobs. Thanks