{K:32791} 6/14/2003
"We all have a beast inside of us. For some, it is merely the opposite of our good natures and lies quiet and deep within our subconscious. For others, it is a daily struggle to hold back the beast that lurks just beyond the light of our consciousness. Where I am is not important. I feel content having done battle with the beast and being able to see him and know he is there. I wish that everyone took the opportunity to face their demons and shine a light upon them. Monsters can only live in the dark."
Exactly, and somehow that was all here for me...
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 6/11/2003
Same here as for John, this image doesn't really work for me... Untill... I saw your last response. Then I have to say that the picture fits the feeling, fits the words. It is not a picture that can live on its own I believe though.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 6/10/2003
Not a problem John. I appreciate all comments as long as they are honest. There are currently two criteria I have for commenting on Usefilm photos. 1 - The photograph must grab me at an emotional level. 2 - The photographer must be able to give and take critiques in the spirit of community that is the upside of Usefilm.
Your opinion is; This doesn't work for you. On one level, it doesn't work for me either and your comment puts me in touch with that. Thanks. Photorealism was not a main component of this composition but on that level I agree with you.
On the other hand, I'm glad that others found the psychological subject matter which I was aiming for which is more archetypal (or mythical as Christian put it) than realistic. That's why I placed this image in the abstract category even though it is essentially a straight forward shot of a swamp. The Creature is about that psychological component of myself which I saw when I allowed myself to see it.
We all have a beast inside of us. For some, it is merely the opposite of our good natures and lies quiet and deep within our subconscious. For others, it is a daily struggle to hold back the beast that lurks just beyond the light of our consciousness. Where I am is not important. I feel content having done battle with the beast and being able to see him and know he is there. I wish that everyone took the opportunity to face their demons and shine a light upon them. Monsters can only live in the dark.
John Barclay
{K:3650} 6/9/2003
Gosh John with all the time and effort you spend on my stuff I hate to say this but this does not work for me. It's just a bit to busy for me and also to dark in the middle top. It just looks to contrived for my taste...
jeff lynch
{K:4770} 6/8/2003
Nice one John! Thank you very much for the "plug" man ;)
The colors here are really eye grabbing as it goes from dark to bright green. Usually a dead on center mirror effect is pretty boring but your choice of photograph to work with works quite well. The diagonal of the grass on the bottom makes this one look like it is flowing towards the middle of the frame if that makes any sense.
Overall...this is a great photograph John. Thanks for posting it.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 6/8/2003
John, you have created a sort of never-land feeling. It is as if you might step into the swamp and find a universe where the unexpected became the norm. I like how you have adapted Jeff's original idea into your own concept. Great job, John.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 6/8/2003
Thanks Luis and Christian. To grive credit where credit it is due, I must acknowledge Jeff Lynch's recent post http://www.usefilm.com/showphoto.php?id=146541 - I would not have dreamt of the picture above without the inspiration I got from Jeff's image.
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 6/8/2003
Fascinating. It looks like a spider with its hairy legs. I wouldn't describe it as original, it's more powerful than that. It reaches the mythical evocation of a swamp, where a bog really becomes bogey. Wow did it ever occur to you ?
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 6/8/2003
Very nice work, regards!