Danish Abadi
{K:1468} 2/6/2004
Danish Abadi
{K:1468} 2/6/2004
Danish Abadi
{K:1468} 2/6/2004
dear Arthur, the reason that i write this is because of your requwst to know bot your cropping, i will send 3 images the first one shows your cropping and the lines which i have drown, you should think that the important part of image should be on one of the lines, let say the left eye of the model is the most important part of the image then you must crop your image that the eye places on the line, the second pictire shows how i would crop this picture and in this case both the eye and lips are on the line and give more plesent result and the theird ond is final image without lines. best regards danish dan@rsp.nu
Bob Helvey
{K:619} 7/3/2002
Halid Izzet
{K:373} 5/6/2002
I would tend to agree about the lock of hair in the top right - doesn't bother me at all. But the thumb, I'm afraid, does ! As Phillip said, it almost looks disjointed. Thats the only weakness I find. Lovely softness. Did you use a soft focus filter ? A little question from a relitively inexperienced portrait photographer - What is the difference between the effects you can get from 1 a short focus filter, 2 Slightly throwing the image out of focus at the time of the shoot 3 any effects in photoshop ? (which tool to use?) Halid
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 5/5/2002
Just a foot note: The thumb doesn't really tear me up, however; after I look at her, I go to the thumb. It almost doesn't look like a part of her hand. Arthur, I hear what your saying about a departure from "traditional" or "posed" portraits.
I'm constantly trying to move away from it, just to keep it fresh. I think I would have rather had her just lay her chin across her forearm, but "easy", not a hard lean.
Nice pic anywayz
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 5/5/2002
Hi Arthur,
I agree with Phillip, the thumb detracts from a very pleasing and exceptionally well-toned portrait. Try using Photoshop to remove the lock of hair in the corner and add a catchlight to her right eye and see how you like that look. Nice work...
Arthur John Grossman III
{K:1214} 5/5/2002
Thanks Phillip for your comments.
I really strive (but don't always accomplish) for casual, natural images, as opposed to traditional, or structured poses, so the thumb doesn't bother me. I feel it gives the image a more intimate feeling. It looks natural to me. Thanks again for taking a peek and sharing your thoughts...it's always appreciated.
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 5/5/2002
The crop doesn't bother me as much as the thumb sliding out from her chin, however; I truly understand how difficult it is to work with fingers and hands in a shot.
I like the tone, and texture of the shot.