Jim Loy
{K:31373} 11/21/2009
You and yours are MORE than welcome in farm country, ILL. When-ever ya pass through... MM and I are at your service. Peoria, Springfield, Chicago...or just a night sitting out by a fire near the woods and roasting marshmallows...all or any one on us. Just keep m informed o the dates... I'll buy the red... and maybe a classic Yank beer or two.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/24/2009
nahh dont worry about it... your isnt worth any more than ours is almost and the fin experts are predicting parity by Jan 2010... which is roughly when we think we'll be heading to the states west east on route 55 with required diversions ot various mates places... up the Pacific coast then back west east via the top highway.. probly try n drop down n see you again on the way back... 3 months is the budget...
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 10/24/2009
OH! I forgot all about the $$! Just now, a few seconds after reading your comment (thanks for the good word) I went downstairs and out the front door...I the mailbox was junk and more junk and junk and a small package from OZ. Just a few minutes past I opened it. Brilliant, Mate. I owe you. MM loves the stuff. She is already planning a lesson for her class. I was very surprised. The bills are much smaller than I expected. I did an exchange on OZ dollar to US... I will send equal value + enough to cover the shipping. Thanks, Roj...
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/23/2009
excellent... this is a true masterpiece of pictorial photography... nice work jim lad... did the $$ turn up yet???
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 10/23/2009
Wow! … Excellent composition of strong color and maravilhos light. a pleasant vision, I am thankful for dividing with us so great beauty. The Autumn always generates great landscapes of fantastic colors. Congratulations for the great shot, a good work! Best Wishes, Marcus
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 10/23/2009
beautiful detail and color, very well handled