mousa Jubran
{K:5780} 11/15/2009
اشكرك يا صديقي سعد
انا لا اتحدث الانجليزية لكن بقدر المستطاع احاول استخدام مترجم قوقل للتواصل مع الاخرين
تقبل خالص تحياتي موسي
mousa Jubran
{K:5780} 11/15/2009
Thank you, my dear friend
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 11/14/2009
If a Suadi child have this bike,guess what an Iraqi child play with ? I like your comment Towski, a good shot Musta, stay well both of you, Saad.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 11/14/2009
Very nice capture, good composed. My best wishes Nanda
mousa Jubran
{K:5780} 11/14/2009
Thank you very much ....Mirek Towski Dear Friend: I liked the commentary. The response was constructive. This poor children. He loves the bike. And driving without a chair. Accept my best regards. Musa
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 11/13/2009
This remains me of and old joke of two nuns riding a cobblestone street on bicycles with no seats when one turns suddenly to the other and says "I never came this way before". Jokes aside it is a nice shot of a kid with a stripped bike. A sort of mix of poverty, innocence and overcoming inconveniences from a place I thought everyone was rich. Cutting the wheels at the bottom and leaving too much space above the head throws Your image out of balance. Otherwise good emotional shot with a good eye contact with Your subject. Cheers!