Good try, it is a good photo, but I think that the background is a little too distracting. You could avoid this by selecting the longest focal length you can, and the largest apperture. Also, if you took another opint of view, the two other 'pieces' would be out of the frame. Another remark is perhaps that the details of the flower are washed out a bit due to over-exposure, however, the image is tack-sharp! I have a similar photo in my portfolio, if you want to go and take a look, feel free, I must say in advance that it is rather unsharp, and the colors are a bit messed up, but it is more due to the scanner then to the picture, since I even sold a print of this one already to someone who saw the original (by which I do not want to say that I am, or this picture is that good, wasn't sold for much money either, just a bit more then the costs, just wanted to show that the scan is bad :-) )