Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 2/3/2010
the message is clear, using the bluriness where it must be used...
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/29/2010
Avi thank you for your commentary Regards
{K:70138} 1/28/2010
wow. very strong and dramatic. great work ! cheers, Avi
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/19/2010
Saad Thank you for your commentary. Regards
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 1/19/2010
a fine shot and editing ,nice mood too, Saad.
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/18/2010
Anne Thank you for your commentary. Regards
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 1/18/2010
Excellent .
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/17/2010
Melik Thank you for your commentary Regards
melik iscan
{K:907} 1/17/2010
un bellissimo lavoro, complimenti
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Turi Thank you for your commentary Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Ali Thank you for your commentary Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Ryca Thank you for your commentary Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Yazeed Thank you for your commentary Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Bipradas Thank you for you commentary Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Absynthius Thank you for your commentarry Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Thank you for your commentary, Adytia Regards
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Estimado Luis Antes que nada Feliz 2010. Te agradezco tu comentario. Un abrazo PD.Hace mucho que no veo fotos tuyas en Usefilm,no estas subiendo? Hasta la proxima foto............
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Muchas gracias Gabriella. Un beso
Turi cg
{K:27715} 1/14/2010
very good pic, dramatic in every sense hugs
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/14/2010
Excellent work
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 1/14/2010
whattan artistic work, Jose ...excellent surreal image...
congrats, RYca
M jalili
{K:69009} 1/14/2010
Excellent .....................
{K:4349} 1/14/2010
Just Excellent idea.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 1/14/2010
ah how familiar i am with this!! the blur adds much to the mood/ and justifies the presence of the glass and bottle~
cheers, v.
Aditya Jeloka
{K:3345} 1/14/2010
excellent shot jose
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 1/14/2010
Estimado José...la idea es muy buena, sin embargo la falta de contraste y el formato cuadrado no la benefician, de cualquier modo como verás es una bocanada de aire fresco este tipo de foto.- Abrazo.- LUIS
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 1/14/2010
Fantástico,Jose....7+++ abrazo, Gabriella
Jose Kalinski
{K:369} 1/14/2010
Muchas gracias Malules. Un Beso
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 1/14/2010
Excelente!!! saludos, Malules