Rick Mccawley
{K:2878} 7/29/2003
intense, the lighitng is very much like Raphael. The pose is very christ like and evokes feeling of the Renaissance. I would like you to look at my web site and consider joining it. www.digitalren.com Cheers, Rick oasis@aol.com include digitalren in the subject line
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 7/1/2003
Very intense and a great perspective. Makes me think of Andalucia. Excellent.
Dave Deacon
{K:4053} 6/17/2003
Strong shot. I like the intense look and blue eyes. Excellent.
Sarah Moustafa
{K:4456} 6/14/2003
I don't know why do i like it but i do. May cause it's so upnormal as portrait and the creativety of the photographer.
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 6/14/2003
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/14/2003
betwen despair and hope : as a portrait it shows really an outstanding composition ! and: welcome to usefilm's, zelda! :))
Musabah Almarar
{K:866} 6/14/2003
Need some lighting
Heidrun Z.
{K:551} 6/14/2003
Somehow due the perspective, a portrait full of tension, but apparently so quiet and still...:))
{K:16195} 6/14/2003
Fantastic angle of shot.Great work. Regards, Hayri.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 6/14/2003
Excellent work.