Taken from a beach this afternoon, the plant/flower was odd growing on pebbles. There was loads of bee's working to get the pollen. It was difficult to get the close shot as they kept moving at a very fast pace and every time I re focused they moved yet again - it took about 10 shots to get this one!
Thx for the comments Matej. Yeah it was real difficult to get the shot as the bee's kept moving and at a very fast pace! I have no idea about the orange bit, I ment to look that up on the net but have not so far, it sure was odd!
Is this the original shot, or is it a crop? I like the composition, and the colours are something really eye-catching, with the black bee on that rich yellow surface. I know these fellows can be difficult to get any sort of focus on, but I'd still like to see the bee's head in focus rather than the wings; the entire bee would be best. (What aperture did you take this with?) Still a very nice capture, introducing us to a bee's world. Must be a wonderful beach, with flowers like this :-)