bur is
{K:1596} 3/14/2004
süper ama , keske su parmaklarinda flash patlamasaydi. Ama hakikaten taptim, inanilmaz fikir... BUrak
{K:30945} 7/17/2003
Hello Zafer. nice to see you in your beautiful drop! Great! Hm, I wish I know how you do it! I am trying and trying. Also love drops!!! and water! Great job! Bravo. congratulations. Into my favorite so I can look and anaylze your method ... Thank you!
{K:737} 6/30/2003
great idea.. well cmposed.. the only problem is the light..
Magnus Wahlgren
{K:268} 6/30/2003
You've done something new here! How often does that really happen? Very good!
{K:206} 6/27/2003
No, it is not so difficult. I used shower, so got much drops in seconds. My right hand (at the picture) and eyes were static. I mean, i didn't see drops, as normally. U have chance in a hundred, not a million. =)
Kristian Hernström
{K:109} 6/24/2003
W O W !!! This inspires me to go home and do some testing (or at least mess around a little bit :)! It?s an unusual idea and a chance in a million to do it again?
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 6/21/2003
Original and creative,Zafer!Very interesting work. Bye Marco.
Metin Dogan
{K:37} 6/21/2003
Fantastic shot. Original idea.
Seckin Bodur
{K:3} 6/20/2003
An original idea and a great timing. Hope to see more of your works here, Zafer.
shelby koning
{K:5450} 6/20/2003
incredibly cool, love how clearly we see you through the drops (I think of them as teardrops) and the lack of focus on the dominant image, very unique and ingenious work!
matthew kinslow
{K:2525} 6/20/2003
crazy image... really ingenius... I don't get how you did it but great work!!
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 6/20/2003
Very interesting and well excecuted image. timing is everything. Best regards jimc
Sherry Goldwasser
{K:25} 6/20/2003
How'd you do that?!?
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 6/20/2003
Very nice shot Zafer.Regards,HakaN.