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Salvation of my day.
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Image Title:  Salvation of my day.
Favorites: 4 
 By: Kaj Nielsen  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Kaj Nielsen {Karma:15279}
Project N/A Camera Model  
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 6/26/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 990 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 70 Rating
/ 50 Ratings
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About Hvide mose Lake today..............
Model : Canon PowerShot G2
DateTime : 2003:06:26 05:01:20
ExposureTime : 1/250Sec
CompressedBitsPerPixel : 5/1 (bit/pixel)
ShutterSpeedValue : 1/251Sec
ApertureValue : F5,0
FocalLength : 14,59(mm)
ExifImageWidth : 2272
ExifImageHeight : 1704
ExposureMode : Manual
Self-timer : 10sec
Quality : SuperFine
Easy shooting mode : Manual
Digital Zoom : Off
Contrast : Normal
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Normal
CCD Sensitivity : ISO50
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There are 70 Comments in 1 Pages
Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 9/3/2003
A misty dream!! The soft colours and silhouettes of the grasses are a nice touch together. And you captured the perfect moment before the sun rose or set too much.
And thanks for all the tech. details...


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 9/3/2003


John Barclay   {K:3650} 9/3/2003
Man this is excellent! I sure hope you got all the other images available here! Those reeds would make excellent graphic images... there are a million other images here!! This is just great! One of the best images on this site! Into my FRIENDS list you go!


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 7/24/2003
Kaj - this is a beautiful image, so serene and peaceful, lovely soft muted color and a damn perfect composition. The fence line leading into the image gives a wonder perspective and balance to the image, altho I find it just a tad harsh compared to the softness and mood of the image (just a small nit to me) I like this very much.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 7/16/2003
exceptionally soft beautiful and romantic


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 7/10/2003
Hello Kaj, this is my favorite photo....
I can relax when I look to it....really great impression!
Best regards from Germany, Pia :)


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 7/9/2003
Oh, I really LOVE this shot!! So smoot, so beautiful, such fantastic mood! Sharpness and composition is so perfect too!


Edward Thomas   {K:286} 7/6/2003
Wonderful shot! So peaceful, and thanks for your comments on one of my shots. I am just starting to learn about photography.


Maurizio Savini   {K:2174} 7/4/2003
Magic atmosphere, very greats reflections and colours!


Darrin James   {K:3944} 7/4/2003
Can't tell where the mirror starts. Absolutely perfect. Serenity to the maximum.


Ana Pereira   {K:221} 7/4/2003


Mustafa KIZIL   {K:2591} 7/3/2003
Excellent, nice color, composition. congrats, regards


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 7/1/2003
Lovely mood and great composition....
regards, Tommaso


Barbara Hawkins   {K:1605} 7/1/2003
Beautiful work Congratulations..


Terry Graham Terry Graham   {K:616} 7/1/2003
Stunning photo, very well done. Thanks for your recent comments on one of my photos.


CJ Kitts   {K:1607} 7/1/2003


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 7/1/2003
Hi kaj.
This is a fantastic and a magical picture, I love this composition.
My best congratulations for the photo and for the Edtitor?s choice. You deserved this honour.
A smile


Suzanne Williams   {K:380} 7/1/2003
Very beautiful photograph!


T Glow   {K:14955} 7/1/2003
Magic.... wonderful work!! regards,T.


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 7/1/2003
Superb atmosphere,Kaj!
My best congrats!


Naren Kunhody   {K:1339} 7/1/2003
Excellent image, tones and reflections. Congrats on POTD. Well deserved..


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 7/1/2003
Congratulations. Very deserved.


Eva Backlund   {K:2374} 7/1/2003
Wow - this is a great shot! Beautiful composition and fantastic light.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 7/1/2003
Very beautiful excellent color.Regards"Francesco"


Paolo Quarantelli   {K:4130} 7/1/2003
Elegant composition with beautiful atmosphere and soft colors, very delicate. Great image, Kaj! Congratulation for "Photo of the Day". Bravissimo.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 7/1/2003
Wonderful shot.Regards Ciak


Bob Tomerlin   {K:5460} 7/1/2003
Beautiful image! Nice reflection, wonderful light, well composed. Very nice - Bob T.


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 7/1/2003
sometimes timing is everything. but timing without knowledge of what to do with the gift presented is meaningless. you have captured a precious moment; one that we now can all share. thanks for taking the time and your energy to exquisitely reporduce in such clarity the powerful sunsetting light, with the reflections in the water. this image is an example of all the rules; 1/3s, composition, lighting, framing, DOF, probably reciprocity (if that exists for digital) and use of images as a communications device.


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 7/1/2003
Congrats for the deserved "Photo of the Day", Kaj! Best regards ..... Lucas


Earl Ortman   {K:187} 7/1/2003
Nothing left to be said. This is a great photo.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 7/1/2003


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 7/1/2003
Congrats on POTD!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/1/2003
your photo is incredible effects & game of light & shadow...
this is lovely soft!
incredible effects of reflection


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 7/1/2003
Excellent shot


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 7/1/2003
Splendid photo!!!!!


lidian neeleman   {K:6700} 7/1/2003
WOW! Amazing..


Marita Toftgard   {K:691} 7/1/2003
So Zen...
What amazing tranquility...
Beautiful work!!!/Mita


Alberto Giorgi   {K:1890} 7/1/2003
the composition is perfect. you have taken the right moment for the sun and a perfect exposition. bravo


Andrew O'Rourke   {K:1602} 7/1/2003
Great composition, you want to explore the photo to understand the visual, you end up with an idea of what is going on and but get caught in the beauty.


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 6/30/2003
Very nice shot!!
Great atmosphere!
Beautiful light.
Bye, Alberto


Jytte Kristensen Jytte Kristensen   {K:446} 6/29/2003
very nice picture Kaj, hvis jeg havde vidst hvad skrøbeligt hed på engelsk, så ville jeg have skrevet at det virkede skrøbeligt, spinkelt i en god betydning, modsat bastant, great colours, regards Jytte


Sylvia H. Sylvia H.   {K:22195} 6/28/2003
Superb image, great work!!!!!! Regards, Sylvia


Marja Konimaki   {K:178} 6/28/2003
Extremely wonderful image, wonderful atmosphere, tones , colors, everything! Superb!


Cedric Sims   {K:3259} 6/28/2003
Beautiful capture!!


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 6/27/2003
Hi Kaj. This one is so beautiful with a great emotional appeal! I feel rest, I feel silence and I even feel a little mystic in the picture. You have catched the mood so well. And those reflections......WOW. Highest ratings for this one!


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 6/27/2003
I think that this is a great photo! The little sun and the soft colors are very delicate, I like the way the sky merges into the sea and how every objects contribute to the excellent mood of this image. Fantastic! Bye Max


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 6/27/2003
This is so beautiful and so peaceful, Kaj! Wonderful all round - thanks for sharing!


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 6/27/2003
Well for me this is absolutely great! Simple, yes, perchaps however the photo's quality and clarity are so strong! The small plands looks very sharp in the morning strong fog of the background! The water and the reflections looks....... WOW! BETTER than the real objects! Also for emotional appeal, the image looks so peaceful... like an image from a dream. Guys, if you are angry with something.... simple look this image for a minute and calm down! Bravo Kaj and thanks for this one!


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 6/27/2003
Excellent and beautiful!
Regards, Joksa.


John Chiu   {K:6250} 6/27/2003
Just can't imagine this is real. Nice work.


Jorge Herrera   {K:496} 6/27/2003
Incredible, this picture has a big potencial!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 6/27/2003
Such a tranquil scene. The colors are outstanding. Great composition. Wonderful work. Don.


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 6/27/2003
Beautiful shot. Lovely mood. Great work


Dave Deacon   {K:4053} 6/27/2003
Stunning shot, Kaj. Magical. I would love to have been there.


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 6/27/2003
Delicate and elegant...I like the soft and not over-saturated pastel colors...the incredible sharpness and contrast of these thin grass, like a drawing...and this great emotional impact that I feel very much... bravo!


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 6/27/2003
Few elements, but an excellent image with nice lighting!


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 6/27/2003
Wonderful lighting and composition, Kaj! Beaultiful place, amazing sharpness and reflections. Congrats! ..... Lucas


B M B M   {K:441} 6/27/2003


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 6/27/2003
Hi Kaj, This is fantastic work..Very nice atmospher with great colours. Regards, Hayri.


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 6/27/2003
Excellent shot, Kaj
i think wondouful sunset shot!!!!!!!!!
regards kim


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 6/27/2003
Fantastic, superb, no words. Congrats, Marco


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 6/27/2003
Eccellente l'atmosfera creata da questi colori soft e dalla composizione delicata!
Ciao donato


Marek Krol   {K:9791} 6/27/2003
I like how it is so hard to tell where reality ends and the illusion/reflection begins. The sun being so low gives the orb too littleprescence, but I don't know if the rest of the shot would have been possible earlier. There is also something wrong wit hteh balance in the photo. Maybe because oyu have chosen a 50:50 composition (water / sky). I think reducing the sky would be an idea. Optimally, less reeds on the right... but obviously not possible. A good work.


Libero Api Libero Api   {K:12174} 6/27/2003
This work is fantastic, you are the best, ciao!


Vicki Bentley   {K:5080} 6/27/2003
What a wonderful place to be at just the right time. Colors, reflections, and haze combine nicely to give one a nice feeling of being maybe the only one to be priviledged to behold this powerful yet pleasing place. Well done.


Vlad Sournine   {K:2397} 6/27/2003
Nice color, nice shot, nice composition.


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 6/27/2003
Excellent detail ... rich and true color ... balanced and interesting composition.
A masterpiece !


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 6/27/2003
Realy a very beautiful day. Exceptional work (7-7-7-7-7)


Massimiliano R.   {K:2516} 6/27/2003
Very nice composition ... beautiful colors and reflex too ... congrats


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 6/27/2003
absolutely stunning! nuthing more to say....!




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