mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 4/27/2022
really sweet! =7=
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/15/2015
Thank you very much for your comment Clay. Capture is acceptable, only dog is wonderful.
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/15/2015
Nie martw się, wszystko jest OK. Ja nie znam angielskiego. Tłumacz google też nie zna tego słowa. Na pewno jest użyte jako pozytywne, a nie obraźliwe.
Do not worry, everything is OK. I do not know English. The translator google also an unknown word. It is certainly used as a positive rather than insulting.
Regards. :)
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 6/15/2015
Sorry Wieslaw, I called you Wathah by mistake Regards
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 6/14/2015
Got to love those puppy dog eyes! He might miss his mother a little bit, and his brothers and sisters too. A wonderful capture.
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/14/2015
Bardzo dziękuję za komentarz. Bardzo smutno mu było, to pierwszy tydzień bez mamy i rodzeństwa.
Thank you very much for your comment Anna. He was very sad, this is the first week without mom and siblings.
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/14/2015
Thank you very much for your comment Paul. No, it's not alsatian, this crossbreed dog multiracial, a small mongrel.
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/14/2015
Thank you very much for your comment Prabhasah.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 6/14/2015
Piękne ujęcie, skupiające się na oczach, które są tu zdecydowanie najważniejsze :)
Beautiful capture, focusing on most important part here - the eyes!
Pozdrawiam, Ania
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 6/14/2015
Nice shot Wathah. An Alsatian? Regards
prabhasah kejariwal
{K:1347} 6/13/2015
cool cooler coolest
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/13/2015
Thank you very much for your comment Mesut. Francis is extraordinarily cheerful and has boundless energy to play. Regards.
Mesut Yılal
{K:7964} 6/13/2015
how beatifulll how cuteeeeeeeee...... very nice capture I admire the dogs...