Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 11/27/2003
Roy, Well composed, great deatil and color.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/17/2003
Very nice strong detail.. Roy
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 7/16/2003
wonderfuld art work you have make here, good structure and color , there are harmony in the color, I like it very much....
evreniz e.
{K:5484} 7/15/2003
Very strong detail..
Regards, Murat.
Darrell Larose
{K:736} 7/5/2003
I would have gone in tighter to the logo, this I would have done with your 4x5" on TMax 100 stopped way down. In 35mm Velvia would have punched this one up. Flag (shade out) the bright red triangle by casting a shadow on it while taking the pic. Good textures
Pedro Beça Múrias
{K:2076} 7/5/2003
I agree with Masahiko. Wonderful. You are an artist...
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 7/5/2003
Nice colors and nice texture!!Wonderful work!!
jeff lynch
{K:4770} 7/4/2003
Nice texture and warm colors here Roy! Good exposure in the shadows. It would appear that this has been sitting out for some time....