A bit of background on this if I may. From time to time, while I'm out running around, I approach people to see if they would be interested in coming into the studio. I tell them they can get some prints for their time. Several times this results in two things. More experience for me, sales drawn from either the sitter, or friends of the sitter, and great advertising. Pennies compaired to newspaper & radio ads.
I drove by a local gym one day and popped in. I spoke with the Mgr. to ask her if she thought she might have any clients that would be interested in posing for some photo's. I told her that I would be lighting these people in a way that would bring out their muscle tones.
This fellow called me, and said he would be interested in sitting for me. This is what he was wearing when he came in. I figured I would start out with this, due in fact that he mentioned, "I've never done anything like this before". I figured we start shooting with what he had on, so he would stay relaxed.
Once we got into it, he really started to relax. To be honest, I really didn't get to shoot him in the way I would have liked to, due to time restraints.
Great shot, Phillip. I think the fill is perfect. I would have screwed up and left it out thinking I would get a more dramatic effect. And I won't mention the light box in his glasses--these jocks don't notice stuff like that. It's just a highlight. Your work is moving forward remarkably. It won't be long before this is your only day job.
Brian you make a good point, although in this case I think that his gaze is consistent with his stance. This image has a "come and get me, if you dare!!!" kind of look to it... I think that the lighting in this is good as well. I too, like the darker shadows, and I'm glad you resisted the "fill", as it adds to the overall feel.
Yeah, I used a gold reflector on his left. I would ask my assistant to bring it in closer from time to time to add or take away light on his left.
We had fun. He's was a bit nervous about posing. I told him, I had to do all the work, he just had to provide the looks ;)
This fellow came in on a request of mine at a local gym. I used to play golf with his dad. I wasn't sure who was going to show up for the shoot. I told the mgr. male/female made me no diff.
You really nailed it here Phil, tho some of the shadows are a bit darker than might be ideal, thats all secondary to the great sidelighting quality, evil stare, great crop, etc etc etc - go phil go