Robert Stokes
{K:4509} 8/22/2005
Thanks for the comment Ryan. No PS work was done on this one, just a straight scan of Velvia with a very polarized Fall sky. This was the first batch of slide film I ever shot and as you might guess I was very impressed.
ryan winton
{K:3027} 8/21/2005
very nice color going on here, did you saturate it? i guess being a fireman helps the rock climbing eh
Joe Teng
{K:16723} 1/7/2005
Great shoot!
Luther Chong
{K:3585} 4/29/2004
Great photo. Dramatic, deep blue sky.
Steve Dunn
{K:789} 8/4/2003
amazing sky. Top marks go to you.What make of polarizer did you use? my guess B+W? Your whole portfolio is wonderful. You have an unique sense of humour and that is refreshing. That is what these forums are all about and life. I am happy to add you to my friends list and thanks for your comments on "Nice Paint job". Priceless.
David Rogers
{K:1082} 7/31/2003
Kudos on making it to the top in time.... Unique perspective, Outstanding sky.... Regards
peta jones
{K:12615} 7/19/2003
Wonderful sky Robert, a unique self portrait!
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 7/18/2003
Creative composition, and amazing effort to get up there in only 10 seconds. :) Nice to see you, well done.
l v
{K:3830} 7/17/2003
The sky attracts the most in this picture. The streak of clouds launching the subject out from the rock are nice, as well, but the blu sky looks superb. Bye,Luca