Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 1/14/2004
This shot has great potential. Yes I would crop the ship on the right out and some of the water at the bottom too.
Cheers nicole
Snehendu Kar
{K:2427} 8/21/2003
very elegant amd well done
Rob M
{K:222} 8/7/2003
I like the boat on the right - it's an old schooner, which fits in well with the lighthouse. Yes - what Deb Mayes said - move the lighthouse out of center, to the left a bit and leave the boat in. It's still great.
First Last
{K:6897} 8/1/2003
Wonderful shot. I love the subject and the composition. The boat seems ok to me. The lighting coming from the left puts it on a second plan. (hope you understand my english).
Thank you for your comment on my last one. Bye!
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 7/30/2003
Very Nice Sarah wouldnt really think of Chicago. You did a real nice job with the exposure, the white of the lighthouse is perfect. I do like a little more room on the right, with the boat. I think Deb did a helpful job below. All in all though an enjoyable photo that got all good points from me.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 7/30/2003
Good composition and very nice colors. bye
Robert Orlando
{K:1103} 7/27/2003
Hi Sarah i'am with the majority about the distraction i like the second version better well done. About the tip of the Grand Teton i wish i could go back their tomorrow.Thank's for your comment.Regard's Robert
Larry Billinger II
{K:236} 7/26/2003
Have you thought about selling this to a puzzle company. Awesome shot. about the geraffe. I took some friends to our towns local zoo, which is an awesome zoo. Rolling Hills Zoo in Kansas. Sometimes when they feed the animals they let people feed them that are going by. I was pretty pumped about it!
Joe McCary
{K:3235} 7/25/2003
That "boat" to the right loks like a big sail boat... I love lighthouses. This one is a grand job!
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 7/25/2003
Very nice shor Sara! I like the first version, without crop. Regards.
Nancy Liu
{K:1903} 7/20/2003
Regarding the 80-200 lens, Sarah, I'm not aware of Nikon making one with VR. I know there's an 80-400VR, as well as the 70-200 that I have. It is a heavy lens, but works wonderfully. The VR feature makes all the difference in the world. I have a shot taken @1/20sec, handheld, of a bird, that I'll put up soon, and lens made it possible to keep the focus.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 7/19/2003
Hi again, Sarah, and thanks for your kind comments about my coffee beans. I did indeed use a tripod, as you guessed - :)
As for how I made the changes I did to this photo, here are the steps I followed. I don't know about you, but sometimes I find it enlightening to play with my photos, not so much to fix them but to learn what I could have/should have/might have done. :) (Darn, why didn't I think of it at the time?) Anyway: (1) I masked off a sliver off the point that the lighthouse sits on (top to bottom); (2) copied that to a new layer; (3) enlarged the paper size, keeping the original to the left; (4) moved the sliver over to the side of the original to gain more water; (5) flattened it down; (6)recropped; (7) used the rubber stamp & smear to disguise the line between the old and the new.
Good luck with the new photo; let me know when it's posted. And have fun playing; it really is a great way to try on different things and learn what you like. :) But again, I like your original rendition very much.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/19/2003
Hello Sarah, thanks for the encouraging comments, regarding my burning bush capture, I used a Tokina 24-200mm, The capture was made in Los Angeles I positioned myself in front of an interesting tree and waited for nature to do the rest, then shot, and shot, and shot.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/18/2003
A superb seascape capture, the lighthouse looks great, well done.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 7/18/2003
This is a wonderful photo. :) Nice job!
As an alternative pov, I personally rather like the boats because they add depth and scale to the photo. I also might have tried a less centered arrangement - maybe shifted the lens a tad to the right to give the ship on that side more room, and perhaps up to get the horizon away from dead center. Here's a quick and dirty example of what I mean; hope you don't mind. :)
Cedric Sims
{K:3259} 7/17/2003
Nice photo Sarah, I think the second verion is a improvment. I like the lighting & composition.
Bob Tomerlin
{K:5460} 7/17/2003
Very nice - beautiful lighting. Pretty sharp considering you were on a boat. I'm not very good with Photoshop, but I think the edited version is a better image.
Regarding your question about the 18-200 lens - its not AFS. The VR is the new Nikon 70-200 lens and wasn't/isn't available on the 80-200 lens.
If you have a chance, check out my "Arty Lotus Blossom." The blurring of the petals is due entirely to DOF - I only used PS to try to get color that was accurate relative to the slide, sizing, and unsharpen mask.
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 7/17/2003
Love the 2nd attempt! Looks very stark and isolated, really adds to it. Great work.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 7/17/2003
Good shot with nice lighting and colours.
{K:12204} 7/17/2003
It really is a good shot, and something about the title drew me in. Think there's a song, " I want to be a lighthouse keeper....". And, it's a great shot, super lighting and DOF. Cheers!
SarahM none
{K:7836} 7/17/2003
Attached is another version where I have cloned out the boats. Thx for the comments!
Peter Carucci
{K:1672} 7/17/2003
Nice photo, Sarah. I might have cropped out or cloned out the boat, but overall this is a very good image. I'm a fan of lighthouse photos.
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 7/17/2003
I think that would be quite a job but not full time. Looks good Sarah, I would have cropped out the boat and made the subject bigger. And being an evil PS user even gone as far as cloning out the other distractions to make this image look more isolated.